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3.8 stars

Average score of 15 user reviews

A Successful Resurrection Chained Down by It's Own Apathy 4

I am of the mindset that the XCOM first person shooter that was proposed two years ago was not a bad idea. Breathing life into a franchise that’s been long dead is tough, often foolhardy effort made in order to capitalize on some lost nostalgia of a very small portion of gamers. That being said, I understood the blowback that 2K received when the news hit, understood the clamoring for something more traditional, understood why pause needed to be taken and an announcement made to cool the flames ...

8 out of 9 found this review helpful.

A Fantastic Example Of What Fighting Games Should Be 0

As a kid, I could never really get into fighting games. My slow simian brain could never coil itself around the ideals of quarter circle forewords plus fierce or flash kicks or stun loops; the only reference I could use in order understand such terminology was whatever happened to clumsily be explained in old issues of Gamepro. Now, later, my favorite fighting game, to date, is Guilty Gear XX: Reload. Guilty Gear was the first fighting game I could sit down with and really wrap my head around, a...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

A Hard Swing, But Still A Foul Ball 6

I don’t think I've made it any sort of secret that I think that the current regime at Capcom makes a lot of flagrant bad decisions. The way they have handled one of the most beloved stables of characters and IPs, probably seconded only by Nintendo, has been nothing short of mind boggling. So when you look at a game like Dragon’s Dogma, a Japanese take on the western RPG that has been in development for 5 years, has tied up power players in the company like Hideki Itsuno from making ens...

4 out of 7 found this review helpful.

The best worst fighting game in recent memory 2

So...this game swings hard. Let's forget about the fact that this is a balance redux from a game released 9 months ago, let's forget about the fact that Vanilla Marvel vs Capcom 3 never truly got a chance to mature as most fighting games do. Let's forget about the fact that this game was released in an incredibly busy games release window for a budgeted price. The question here isn't even, "is this game good?" Because it's not. As far as fighting games go, Vanilla Marvel Vs Capcom 3 was one of t...

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

An Absolute Treat 1

I honestly can't remember where I heard about this game for the first time. It may have been a quick look or a preview trailer somewhere resting somewhere on the internet. All I can remember is that even in pre-alpha stages of this game's creation, it always looked beautiful. The silhouetted figures on bright vibrant backgrounds gave the game's visuals a unique pop, different enough from other games coming from the Limbo boom which seem to do little else but copy their visual format. Outland rea...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

This Trick is One Hell of a Treat 0

Having owned a DS lite for almost 5 years now, I feel like I went to Ghost Trick under jaded ideals. I haven't played the Phoenix Wright games, I do not have a burning relation with Miles Edgeworth and the only thing I can tell you about Mia Fey is that she looks damn good in a suit. It was only on a whim that I found any interest in Capcom's latest quirky detective game, having chosen to pass over the Wright series much in the same way I passed over the Trauma ___ series. After all, games that ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Quirky But Outclassed 3

Raskulls feels like a game that I had heard about for ever, but was never truly able to put my finger on what it really was. It felt like I had been seeing screen shots and video of game play for ages, but I could never come up with a definitive idea of what the game was ever supposed to be. So when I sat down and played it a few days ago, I really was interested to finally find out how this game that had been settled on the edge of my mind had turned out. When I started, I liked it. It felt lik...

5 out of 8 found this review helpful.

A Beguilded Love Letter, Burdened By It's Own Clumsiness 0

As I sit down to write this review, I feel conflicted. I've made it no secret that I hold the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja line of fighting games in extremely high regard. Back in the heyday of the PS2, these often overlooked games were the pinnacle of non-traditional fighting games, desperately trying to find a place to exist during the drought of the fighter. Using its popular licence for extra pull, CC2 crafted games which mirrored their own enthusiasm for the Naruto line, giving diehard fans exact...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

An Interesting Romp Through Neo-Fantasy 0

My initial feelings towards Enslaved: Odyssey to the West were luke warm. Rumblings of this game from the makers of Heavenly Sword, a game I haven't played, always seemed to be on the periphery; within earshot but never loud enough to make me flinch. It wasn't until I started seeing footage coming out of various trade shows that I began to become interested, though even said interest was rather tepid. Up until the day delivered the game to my door, I never thought I had seen enough to...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A Minimized Masterpiece 6

I don't think the PSP gets a fair shake. Between the poor decisions from the top brass over iteration after iteration of the hardware, constantly having to fight against piracy with seemingly useless firmware updates, having an arguably useless physical medium and a sort of "second class citizen" status on PSN, the little portable has a terrible stigma that can cause the uneducated to simply look past it. However, there have always been a slew of excellent games made for the little black handhel...

29 out of 29 found this review helpful.

An Inconsistant Mess 4

You know...  ::Sigh::   It's like... ::sigh::  Alright.   I write for a lot of different venues. Most of the time, the only reason  for my musings is to share my opinions and to cut out my own little piece of mind in this crazy world of the intertubes. However, I remember the day that the first Transformers: WFC trailer came out. My jaw dropped at how amazing it looked.  The story seemed to be there, the visuals were there in spades, they managed to take a wartorn robotic city (you can see the d...

7 out of 18 found this review helpful.

I was shocked, I was surprised... 0

I first saw this game at this year's PAXEast. The Dev or booth guy or whathaveyou was looking rather lonely. No one was playing his game; people were far too distracted by Crackdown 2 behind it, Hydro Thunder to it's left or Limbo to it's right. So, carefully sifting through the rows of waiting participants, I picked up the sticks and started a new game.   The first thing I instantly noticed was the likeness of the game's controls to Crimson Skies. Quickly flicking the right analog stick in vari...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Nostalgia is a hell of a thing 0

I remember quite well what my initial impressions of the new Rocket Knight game were when the first screen shots were released. Everything looked chunkier, slower. It had a new race of enemies that resembled ninjas. I was turned off because it wasn't like what I had grown up with. It was not the genesis game I was looking for.   You see, Rocket Knight Adventures holds a special place in my heart. It is one of my quintessential games that absolutely positively must be played on the genesis. The f...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Learner's Permit 0

When I was growing up in the mean streets of suburban marlboro massachusetts, collectible card games were always a high point of contension. On one hand, you had the regular players, people (children) who had spent copious amounts of money on card packs after card packs, branching over various games with various rule systems of which I could never completely grasp. The only card game I was ever to real "get" was the pokemon card game, and even then, I was absolutely horrible. Throwing up my hand...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A problematic situation 2

I have to say, this past tuesday was a bit of an up and down day for me. Upon checking my email, I noticed that my copy of Lost Planet 2 had arrived and was waiting on my door stop, which made me very happy. However, reviews were coming out, and were quite low. I bit my lower lip in order to quell the quivering caused by Arthur Geise's IGN review of a 6 out of 10. Having played a rather large amount of LP1, I really wanted to go into this game with high hopes. Capcom's combination of a slower pa...

9 out of 14 found this review helpful.