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Average score of 8 user reviews

Brutal, bloody and millions of Orkz 0

I enjoy Warhammer 40,000 but only ever really got into the Dawn of War games. When Relic took a step back from RTS games and made a third person shooter I was less than enthusiastic. I'm pretty sick of bland shooters and this looked like this. I'm happy to say I was wrong in that assumption. Relic made what would normally be a generic game and turned it into some of the most fun I've had all year.The Gameplay Oi! Space Marine!Brutal, bloody, thousands of enemies and a giant chainsaw sword. Space...

6 out of 7 found this review helpful.

A interesting story mixed with equally fun and annoying gameplay. 0

The Force Unleashed is an interesting little entity. It connects itself right into the story of the original trilogy without virtually any of it ever being mentioned in the movies. It might sound dodgy story-wise as hell but it actually works. You play the game as Starkiller, who was saved by Vader as a child and became his secret apprentice.  The game will take you to some intriguing locations and has some entertaining game mechanics but there will be quite a few moments that you'll want to str...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Chaos finally joins the war in Dawn of War 2's first expansion. 0

As an original race in the first Dawn of War it was only a matter of time before we saw Chaos in show up in the sequel. Well the Dark Gods have heard your prayers and have included the evil marines into the war with this chaotic expansion. The expansion adds quite a bit into the mix with new multiplayer maps, new units for the other races such as the mighty Wraithguard for the Eldar and Wierdboy for the Orkz. And of course a new single player campaign. The campaign has had the biggest overhaul w...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The best Mario 2D platformer in 19 years. 2

I admit, I was skeptical about this game. I didn't like the original New Super Mario Bros. on the DS. It was too easy, it was bland and unappealing and felt like a sequel to the original Super Mario Bros. which had been eclipsed by the Super Nintendo games.  However, the more I saw the game the more interesting it looked and I ended up buying it and to put it bluntly, it's amazing. It's your standard Mario 2D platformer. It doesn't strive to do new things or shake up your idea of a Mar...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A fun and enjoyable return of a classic series. Yargh! 5

As a fan of the long running series, I was a bit worried when I first saw this game when they announced it. The graphics seemed not nearly as good as past games such as The Curse of Monkey Island. As soon as I played the game for the first time though all my worries were extinguished instantly. The game in motion looks just as you'd want it too and gives that Monkey Island feel to it.The game starts off with the same basic Monkey Island story line. Elaine, your beloved wife has been captured by ...

12 out of 13 found this review helpful.

A great game let down by a lot of issues. 0

ArmA 2 is basically Operation: Flashpoint. Same developers, same gameplay, same everything. If you've played OP:F then you'll know what to expect. This game is probably the most mixed bag of good and bad you'll ever find. For ever great part, there will be one terrible.The game has a single player story which is also fully co-op for up to 4 players, single level scenarios, a hefty Boot Camp, online multiplayer and an editor. Not bad. One thing this game doesn't lack is content.I start off with B...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Lacking content holds back this otherwise decent sequel. 0

I think it's safe to say nine out of ten people who go on this site have played 'The Sims' sometime in their life whether it be the original, Sims 2 or one of a million expansion packs and console versions. If you didn't like those forget this because you won't be liking this either. However for those of you who do enjoy it or even have gotten a bit sick of the series it might just pull you back in all over again.The game holds the same core structure of the other Sim games. You have a Sim, they...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

In space Riddick will make you scream. 0

Another Riddick game, another chance to slice and dice as Vin Diesel himself. Seeing as there are many Butcher Bay reviews out there I'll jump right to the main attraction here which is the sequel(or more like expansion), Assault on Dark Athena.Dark Athena starts off where Butcher Bay ends. You and Johns are floating around space after your escape but run into some trouble when the rouge merc ship 'Dark Athena' harpoons you and drags you into to its docking bay. The captain of the ship knows abo...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.