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Activision mapathy... AKA, a failure in PR

Just got some info on the MW2 mappack.  go check the link, i'll wait... 
Ok, now that everyone is up to speed, there are a few things that reek of cashing in.   
The only map pack for COD4 was 800 ms points for only 4 maps.  200 points per map, or in real world dollars, $2.50 each.  this new pack is 1200 points for 5 maps, 240 per map, $3 each.  of these maps, 2 are complete rehashes of COD4 maps, namely Overgrown and Crash. 
Now, i can't say anything about WaW map packs other than they were 800 points per pack, never cared to get them so anyone who has got these packs send some info my way and i will update this post. 
What made Activision decide that Crash and Overgrown were the 2 maps the community wanted most?  Personally, i would have prefered Wetworks and Shipment but thats bside the point.  Was there a poll conducted by IW on which maps to bring back, a ballance in maps issue, or the random thought that hey, we will say old maps will sell, regardless of which ones we use?  if there was a poll, send link...  If not, there is a disconnect in the company. 
I don't want to waste $15 on five maps, 2 i could easily play by popping in COD4.  So what other insentive do i have buying this pack.  Are there more single player maps to play?  No(not suprising since this is a mostly Multi Player game).  Spec Ops?  No(this one is suprising, Treyarch had some sense to always have a zombie map in their map packs).  so, what we get are just what is 5 maps for multi. 
The other thing of note is PC and PS3, if following current trends, will get these maps for free.  not a good day for a 360 MW2 fan.  So i ask everyone here, will you buy this pack?  Unless there is more meat on this personally, i will just let Bad Company 2 give me their 2 maps for free.