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Thanks, Ryan. Always missed. Forever Remembered.

I've been thinking about all that's happened for a few days and I think I can put how I feel into words now. I started listening to the Hotspot about two years before GB launched. '06 I guess. I remember not liking Ryan at first actually. He came off as way too snarky I think. Not sure if he changed or it was my perception of him, but I grew to enjoy and respect what he had to contribute in time. Lets be honest, his sense of humour and boyish giggle are what won me over ;)

Just how much I thought about what happened to Ryan has surprised me, as I never knew him personally. I guess the one time he interacted with me was on a Super Street Fighter IV TNT when he bet on the Canadian MikeFightNight (it was a smart bet at the time xD) Like others have mentioned, we all feel like we knew him, like you know a good friend. I've listened to him or seen him in videos every week since '06. Now the voice and face I have grown accustomed to seeing every week is gone. That is the part that feels so shocking to me.

Thank you Ryan. Thank you for providing me with countless hours of entertainment and countless laughs and smiles over the years.

My deepest and sincerest condolences to Ryan's friends, family, and most importantly his newly wed wife. I won't pretend to understand how the loss of Ryan has effected those truly close to him. However, his passing has effected me. It highlights just how fleeting life can be. How change can come abruptly and violently at any moment. You don't truly appreciate what you have until its gone.

So call your mother and tell her you love her. Bury that old grudge with a friend, he/she can't remember why it happened either. Appreciate and cherish all the relationships you have, because nothing lasts forever. Go out and form new ones, because the world is a great place.

Also, don't be a dick, life's too short.



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RIP, big man.