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Ass Creed is ass

You know before, I used to affectionally abbreviate Assassin's Creed into "Ass Creed". How little did I know that was ironically true.

I can now finally say Ass Creed is a bad game, with justification.

I thought I shouldn't pass judgement on the game before I finish it, because who knows what might come up? A new challenge, a new boss, or a new type of gameplay. I waited. Then the credits rolled. It never came. This game was such a chore to finish, and you'd say don't play any more if you don't enjoy it, but I needed to so my opinion is concrete.

This game could NOT have been made by 150 people at Ubisoft MONTREAL of all places. It's almost a disservice to the actually talented guys there. The amount of repetition is almost a really bad running joke. The same dialogue from saved citizens, the exact same missions, and more arbitrary padding out of what "game" there is into more than 1 hour. Now I hear 450 people are working on Ass Creed 2: Ass In Ass Boogaloo. Let's hope they can make a bad game into a good one. Because I don't like hating games. I only hate games when I'm not actively enjoying them.

I can perfectly understand people "liking" the game, or even "loving" it. Those are for when you're looking from the outside, as if you're detached. However, someone saying they actually enjoyed the game would be baffling. The controls aren't even as responsive as you'd want from a pure action game. If you love the story, the graphics, the sound, or even just the controls, I'm with you there. And that's all the aesthetics. But that's not part of the "game".

The game is a tech demo. It's literally 15 minutes stretched and padded out with stupid design. Copy and paste of the highest order. It's a perfect case of graphics over gameplay, just like Resident Evil 5. My cousin was asking the question, "If you're not enjoying the game, why are you still playing it?" I said, "FOR THE GRAPHIXXX! No but seriously, this game is a chore and I want it done with so my opinion can be concrete on this game. So the graphics are the only thing tiding me over."

The real problem is, Ass Creed is a completely linear game with a sandbox disguise. This is not a sandbox game, and it's only open world in the way that you can choose which city you want to fast-travel to. The invisible walls might have given you an idea ;). Another big problem that really stuck out and become annoying was the whole puppetering. Maybe the game's giving a metaphorical ironic message by actually removing any kind of choice from the player. You're being led by the nose to do a specific mission in a very specific way. You can't even go into water, for chrissake, which is in the 2nd game, so there's some weird ret-conning going on there. "Memory Fast Forward" and whatnot.

Unlike an open world game, you DO NOT dictate the pacing. That's the big appeal of open world games, being able to dictate the pacing, and go about it however you wish. Do a little of that, and some of that, etc. You have no choice in stealth kills, either they're in low-profile, high-profile, or death from above. The death from above kill (that you see in all the trailers) is severely limited. This is not Tenchu. You can't jump from the side of the building and drop down on a dude with your hidden blade. Nope. It's arbitrarily limited to being exactly with 2 feet above the guy in question. This is an example of how the game gives you hardly any choice, and feels more like a Metal Gear game.

The only choice I ever got was, I could gather all the prepatory investigation (view points/interrogation/pick-pocketing) BEFORE I got to the Bureau. This part is also tedious, because you usually have to get 6 or 12 view points before you can get the investigative missions, like pick-pocketing or interrogation. Why not just one? If it was just one, it would make Altair a more Batman-like character who can scope out a place for one second and know everything!

Doing pre-bureau investigation was especially important to combat the biggest douchebag other than Altair, Malik. You remember Malik? The douchebag in Jerusalem's Bureau who always gave you ****. Even till the game I had forgotten who he was, and apparently he was one of the guys in the temple with us at the beginning who lost his arm! Haha, who knew?! Maybe it's a sign that the plot can be kind of forgettable, or that the boring repetition had made me forget. And I thought he was being a douchebag just because this game has no likeable characters and it was another excellent running joke. I would do all the view points in an unexplored area, like the Rich District of some place, before I touched the Bureau just so I would have a comeback to Malik. I wanted to be prepared for his douchebaggery.

One thing I hate and is so contradictory to the whole game is, killing interrogation targets. Where does it say in the Creed you can kill the poor messengers? Literally Altair will say "ok, I will stay my blade if you tell me the info", and then he'll say "can't have any witnesses! teehee so evil aren't I?!". WTF, Altair. He kills ALL of them. If the target does tell anyone else, THEN you have authority to kill him because he broke his promise. Not just because you're a sociopath, Altair?!

The big problem with the lack of choice and puppetering in this game is, the game stops empowering you. All this arbitrary limiters like "High-Profile" and the "Synchronisation Meter" just make the game more tedious than it already is. Having to get 6 view points. Invisible walls (IW) everywhere. Worst use of IW is in the actual Assassination area. It's easy to say, this is no Hitman game where you can sabotage a place, and let a chandelier fall down on your target, and get out of there without a scratch.

The only reason I didn't mind alerting everyone and saving citizens was because combat was so easy and actually enjoyable. It's just a unique combat system, and it's just more around timing than button combos. It's extremely barebones, but I'm glad they evolved it a lot more in Prince of Persia ( 2008 ) to add some rhythm. You get some sickly satisfying counter and kill animations, that give a great payoff. However, again the half-assed job is shown again in the combat when the game never offers you any more challenges EVER till the credits roll and instead opt to just throw more guys at you, like when you're going to Arsuf. Contrast that to Resident Evil 4 where there are new challenges at every corner, and I can already feel that you're nodding your ass off.

The only purely good gameplay mechanic in this game that doesn't have a noticeable flaw is: the free-running. Even if the level design is super copy and paste to allow you to run through a whole city's rooftops really fast, it's the one empowerment you get from this game that's now the "in" word for games (Mirror's Edge, Prototype, inFamous). Yes, it's still very boring having to hold down Right Trigger+A the whole time, and the only control in your part is aiming the left analog stick. Nevertheless, the automatic free-running button of Right Trigger allows you to do more stuff with the rest of the gameplay. Which is where Prototype comes in, but I've already discussed that before.

I can guess what went down at Ubi Montreal. The game was in 4 years of development, but they spent 3 years in making the Scimitar engine (the graphics are good!) and 1 year on the actual game. That's why you have a very rushed job of a game here. I'm just surprised there were some critics who were lenient on the game. Here's what blatantly copy-and-paste in the game: the cities, the missions, the NPC dialogue, the encounters, the assassination targets (3 after 3 and then the final 2). So much déjà vu for the locales, I thought I was in Acre when I was actually in Jerusalem. There's just not enough of a "game" here. Asides from the Gears of War series, this has to be the most boring high-profile game I've ever played.

This is not just my opinion, even my cousins hate the game and so do any person on the street or gamestore. They might not articulate it as well or bother to give their opinion on some website like I do, but they are aware of the suckage as you should be. This game is not worth playing, which is why I'm glad I didn't pay $60, and you'd rather just play Crackdown or Prototype or Infamous.

I even bothered to get the name of the guy responsible for mission structure in this game: Marc Antoine Lussier. Blame him. They've probably fired him from the 2nd game, since they said they're re-vamping everything.


What I did like was everything that isn't the game, like I said before. The revisionist tale is handled surprisingly well with enough intrigue to want to know what the Templars want. Corey May, I tip my hat to you. Great writing in the game. Presented through terribly expositional storytelling in the form of forced cutscenes. Problem with storytelling: if it's in-game but you don't bother to actually direct a cutscene and just have Altair move around and be able to change camera angles, NO ONE will care about your story! If you want to stuff it down our necks and hope it sticks, just do a normal cutscene with close-ups.


The music is excellent obviously since it's by Jesper Kyd again (Hitman, Kane and Lynch). Altair himself is a very iconic character design, and one I wouldn't mind cosplaying as.

There you go, I dissected the game like the over-analyser I am. If you disagree at any point, start with "Speak Sense" because Altair says that all the time. If you agree completely, start with "*nodding*".



Star Trek was OK

If you want a fun action movie with your brain turned off, and want to see young versions of some Star Trek characters, go check this film out. This is for you. It wasn't for me, however.

I'll probably do a full review of the Star Trek movie on the next podcast. I just found it was OK, mediocre. I didn't hate it, I didn't love it. Good, but not great. Etc, etc. Nothing special about it, only one good action scene. I hate to deconstruct, but I'm trying to understand why people are gushing over this movie? The cast were fine, but mentions should go to how great Kirk, Scotty, Captain Pike, and Bones were. Spock was not terrible, but when the real Spock comes, you see that the young Spock can't get those mannerisms or acting down.

If you went to see this movie just to see how the cast does, it's a great movie for you. Myself, I never watched the TOS, so I could care less of how this caters to fanboys/Trekkies, but it's less alienating than recent geek adaptations (Watchmen, Wolverine).

The movie is set-piece to set-piece, like any other action movie. In fact, the whole movie felt very much an action movie happening to involve Star Trek characters. There is no time for character development except for the 2 main characters, and not much character interplay which is why Star Trek tv series is loved so much. However, I've never seen any Star Trek movie, just the tv show, so I don't know if the movies are like filler elseworlds action-packed episodes between seasons.

The plot is really dumb. I mean, stupid. Plenty of plot holes. Coincidences and deus ex machinas up the arse. Red matter, black holes, time travelling, paradoxes. There was no thought or consistency to that stuff. This is a parallel reality, there's no continuity, none of this movie is cannon. But who cares, it's a bad sci-fi movie, and if you're going to see this as a proper sci-fi film, you'll be sorely disappointed. This movie will never be considered on a list of best sci-fi movies, but maybe JJ Abrams didn't want that.

It's not that good of an action movie. There's only one good action sequence, and it involves skydiving onto a planet destroyer beam. It has great suspense, ups and downs. However, the rest of the movie fails at giving tension and suspense to the action, so it feels like you're watching someone play a videogame on the easy difficulty. There are no stakes raised, and it's almost comical when Kirk+Spock raid the Romulan ship as a two-man army to kill everyone and get to the final boss. Then the movie ends. The space battle scenes were serviceable, but definitely not to the level of choreography you find in the new Battlestar Galactica. There is no drama to these action scenes in the movie. It's very one-sided.

Nero was a terrible villain, with just stupid motivations. He waits 25 years JUST to meet a dude? I couldn't believe Eric Bana was acting, considering how great he was in Munich, Hulkand Black Hawk Down.

The homages were fine, naturally added, didn't feel hokey when someone said "live long and prosper" or other classic lines. The humour was great, added some much needed chemistry. The kid stories of kid Kirk and kid Spock were bad. Spock having Vulcan bullies? Laughable. Kirk jumping out of a car at the VERY last second as the car falls off a cliff with "Sabotage" in the background? So dumb, should've cut that scene entirely.

What did I find good? Like I mentioned, the cast were overall good. I loved Chekov, he was so awkward and weird, and worked great as comic relief. The opening with Kirk's dad facing death while son is born was great tragedy, and is the best scene in the entire movie.

Which is sad, because having the best part of the movie at the start of the movie is an indicator when the movie was just not thought out or executed well. I couldn't get immersed into the movie, I didn't connect with the characters as much as I know JJ Abrams can do (Mission Impossible 3), and the cinematography was a mess. Blue Lens flares in my eyes ALL THE BLOODY TIME! It really gave me a headache, it was laughable, and I couldn't believe that it was that way throughout the movie.

The music score was inappropriate at times, sometimes forcefully tugging emotions when there didn't need to be. For a movie this big, you expect a grand score, but this was fairly generic and not as good as the trailer. Not as terrible as Watchmen, but kind of disappointing if you're wanting an emotional score for a big blockbuster film.

I'm sorry to say, but just like Watchmen, the trailers are better than the actual movie. You'll forget this movie in a month's time, considering how little of the movie is memorable or unique. And people comparing this to Dark Knight should watch Dark Knight again, apologise to themselves for even mentioning both in the same breath, and just admit it's a forgettable action movie involving Star Trek characters.

The reason I'm so down on the movie is because it was a missed opportunity for Abrams and the writers. The writers and Abrams put a lot of thought into the immersion of MI:3 especially with when Tom Cruise is captured and you get this insane performance. But in this film, they didn't try, and I was surprised when my dad truthfully said "it was too kiddie", which made me think this was Star Trek for KIDS, which is ironic since the tagline for the ads is, "this isn't your father's Star Trek!

This movie is only good for Trekkies to see the cast, or for n00bs who might want to get into Star Trek. It's a great intro course for those people.

P.S. Really psyched for Terminator now!

Fight with me in the comments section! 


MoeFo Best Games of 2008 Podcast (surprises inbound)!

MoeFo BEST GAMES of 2008 Podcast


It's the first podcast of 2009, Game of the Year 2008 awards! You must be sick of them by now. However, we are sure to surprise, and a hint might be when Fallout 3, MGS IV, and GTA IV don't win any awards!

If you agree or disagree, shoot us an email at [], or just post a comment down below. Subscribe to us on iTunes by "Subscribe to Podcast" in the Advanced menu bar of the program, and copy and pasting this

[] link there.

Time stamps:-

0 to 22 min = Biggest Disappointment [Winner= NG II]

22 to 33 min = Best New Character [Winner= Baldur + Prince/Elika]

33 to 38 min = Best Co-op Game [Winner= Left 4 Dead + LBP]

38 to 42.5 min = Best DEMO! [Winner= ME]

42.5 to 50.5 = Best Story [Winner= BiA:HH + PoP]

50.5 to 58.5 = Best ENDING *SPOILERS!*

58.5 to 1:01.5 = Worst Trend [Winner= End of year releases]

1:01.5 to 1:04:00 = Best Innovative Game [Winner= ME]

1:04 to 1:11 = Best Trend [Winner= no death]

1:17 to 1:23 = Best New IP [Winner= ME + DS]

1:23 to 1:38 = GAME OF THE YEAR!!! *dun dun dun*

1:38:00 to END = 2008 Game we want to Play in 2009.

Funny Links:

Play Auditorium

Minotaur China Shop



GoTY of 2008 nominees

This is prep for the next podcast. Don't know when that's happening! XD Either way, our games of the year still hasn't been discussed. So, this is the list of games we have finished:

Prince of Persia; Too Human; Lost Odyssey; BiA: Hell's Highway; Battlefield Bad Company; N; DMC 4; NG II; Mirror's Edge; GTA IV; Dead Space

And here are the categories:-

Biggest Disappointments

Best Ending

Best Story

Best New Character 

Best Demo 

Best Co-Op game 

Worst Trend 

Most Innovative Game 

Least Improved Sequel 

Most Addictive

Best Trend 

Best Level Design

Best New IP

Best Game Moments 

2008 Games We Really Want to Play


Good luck guessing the nominees. And winners!  



MoeFo Podcast (20/12/08) PoP, Sonic Unleashed!

Illustrated by: Young Woo Lee

MoeFo Podcast 17 - Download mp3 -

0 to 4:30 Beyond Good and Evil

4:30 to 9:30 Mirror's Edge -- what could be improved?

9:30 to 26:00 Prince of Persia (we've finished it)

26:00 to 28:30 Ass Creed 2 rumour in French Revolution

28:30 to 31:00 My first time with Starcraft

31:00 to 48:00 Sonic '06 and Sonic Unleashed


So, any thoughts on Prince of Persia's ending? Any truth to the Ass Creed 2 in France thing? Sonic Unleashed not as bad as other reviews saying? That should get some discussion going before everyone listens to the podcast. Have fun in the holidays! :D


Beyond Good and Evil is....AMAZING! (56k warning!!!)

Oh man, I am LOVING this game! After Gears 2, this is a very welcome change of pace.

I'm taking pics of EVERYTHING, also the boss character! I didn't realise to take a picture of Pey'j, too! Now, time for me to put my Dazzle capture device to work.

Up to now, the game's hell varied and surprising at every turn. Puzzles, combat, photography, exploration, environments, etc. First, was defend against the attack on Lighthouse. Awesome combat. The more you mash attack, the cooler the combo looks. Take pics of everyone in your lighthouse. Then the hovercraft is awesome! Excellent controls, good enough for me to win the races in the City.

Defeat the DomZ worm attack in the water, segment by segment. Cool. You go to a Mammago garage to get it fixed up, by Jamaican Rhinos!

Mammago Jamaican rhinoceros, LOL! :lol:

The Black Isle mission was just great. Can't wait to hear 1up FM talk on it. And when Pey'j gets the "plier", he's all like:

His "Super-Action" boots!

Use those boots to make these bombs pop out, and hit them in SLOW-MO. Sea anemones, that spew out bubbles?! WTFLOL.

Oh crap, I forgot to take picture of these guys! Now, I don't know what species they are!!! :( And then you find out that the male and female PETROLIMAX,

are actually antlers of a huge MONSTER!!!! PETROLIMAX GIGANTEA!

When you go into City, and see all these other hovercrafts, it's like you're in a sci-fi future but with weird animal species and DomZ propaganda posters. The music is AMAZING, especially at night. It's like the piano music in Final Fantasy. I need to get the soundtrack, pronto, as awesome as Psychonauts. I love this dystopian sci-fi angle, but with twist of homo sapiens + animal species, like goats and Pey'j, and flies.

The day/night system was amazing, just the transition alone is insane. At night, take camera and look up at sky, and you can see CONSTELLATIONS. Monkey, pig, cow constellations! LOL But when sun comes, SOLARIS, you can't see constellations anymore. Wow! You then go to "Akunda Bar":

That's the bartender!

Play Three Coconut Monty with this "Peepers" guy to get a Pearl. Play air hockey with Francis, and get pearl. This mini-game is awesome! :P Then you join the IRIS network, and the bunch of rebels. You go through a bookcase, to get to this Iris Den: Not being a furry, but Mei's kinda hot! XD And this is so unexpected, Mr. De Castellac/Hahn: It's not a limo, it's a... A TAXI CAB?! LOLWTF! :lol: Hope you appreciate the photos! :)


Dark Knight at IMAX Video; custom character in Soul Calibur IV!

So, that Dark Knight, eh? The most hyped film ever in recent months (even years) delivers. How good? It's so good, people are forcing themselves to find problems. Me, my sis, and my buddy went to see it this Friday, at the frickin' IMAX. And I'll shut up now...And please, forgive the awful camera work :P



Young Woo just bought SC IV yesterday, and so he came over to my house. Oh, and check out my frickin' badass custom character in Soul Calibur IV. Thanks go to my buddy for letting me capture...

Melon Head. His voice is -50, Physique +50. He's so strange and badass, I could hear people in the lobby screaming "My Eyes!!!" and many similarly disgusted responses. Should've caught that. Even if people won, they quit right after I showed my custom dude. That's the real power of the custom characterisation! :D I guess it's time I got my own Xbox 360, then...hehe I have A LOT more capture footage of my badass Melon Head. So, look forward for my character demonstrating why anyone who designed the single-player (it's less than 5 min) deserved to be fired, and how he can beat The Apprentice (controlled by a n00b) no prob. Also, we're making a Halo machinima short, and it's just in "post-production" i.e. we just have to record the lines.

Indie Movies I've been Watching


In Search of a Midnight Kiss

Paranoid Park

All are really good, I'm really glad Persepolis had at least gotten Oscar nomination. For some, they might not relate to the girl stuck in an extremist country like Iran, but for someone like me, it really hits me in the gut. This is my Schindler's List. ISOAMK is a very good romcom, if you're a fan of Annie Hall, this is a must for you (B+W, too). It's a very limited release, so if you're in London, check out on Odeon's site to watch it. Both these movies I've seen with my friend, I dragged him into them, hehe. We might podcast about it, just like we did for [Rec]. Another film I finished watching this evening was Paranoid Park.

Some people don't like the film, maybe because it's too artsy or doesn't tie a bow at the end, or isn't going where you expect it to or should. But I loved it all the way, and seeing a lonely teenager having to deal with such guilt over one action is pretty tear-jerking. If you're a fan of mixed timelines or skateboards or sad teenagers or just really beautiful filmmaking, go check it out. To the contrary of most artsy films, it's really gorgeous to look at and has a emotional story to match. Should podcast about this one, too, and maybe ask my co-host to watch it to see how normal people perceive arthouse films. It's always interesting to have other people's opinions on indie movies or your own hobby, really puts your views into perspective with the rest of the world :).


To make people listen to MoeFo Xtra 4:

Wall-E is Pixar's 3rd best Film :O

Avatar Finale shows that there shouldn't be any more Avatar at all, perfect ending.

Kingdom Crisis and Identity Crisis are better than Watchmen :O

Gotham Knight is so awesome, I made screencaps:

Make this a Wallpaper

Make this a Wallpaper, also

Batman deflects a bullet?!

This Bat-cowl is badass

Bat owned this fool

Batman side-profile

Batman throwing batarang (1)

Batman throwing batarang (2)

Batman throwing batarang (3)

"HIGASFU" has mindblowing background

"Give me your hand"

"I can't"

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