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Dante's Inferno Demo Impressions

I downloaded the demo for PS3 a couple days ago, and after meandering through it, I have come to a reasonable conclusion.  Dante's Inferno plays exactly like God of War, or almost exactly.  Don't get me wrong, I love God of War, but something about Dante's Inferno feels forced, as if Visceral Games is merely attempting to copy the God of War formula without any major changes.  For example, in God of War, you press square for a light attack and triangle for a heavy attack.  This is exactly the same in Dante's Inferno, with specific combos that fit in between the buttons almost identically to God of War. 

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 If you enjoy this...'ll feel right at home with this.'ll feel right at home with this. 
However, there are some major design differences.  For example, a lot of the cut scenes in Dante's Inferno look like they were torn straight out of an 80s cartoon, which has a tendency to dampen the overall "epicness" of the experience.  One minute, you're fighting the minions of hell, and then you're in a cheesy cut scene that completely obliterates any sense reality the game might give you.  But let's not confuse reality with the game's subject matter: although the game looks very good (the graphics are nothing to sneeze at), you are not necessarily supposed to believe this a realistic world.  Hell, you straight-up KILL the Grim Reaper in the demo. 
Another difference between it and God of War is that instead of being based on Greek mythology, Dante's Inferno is based (very, very loosely, mind you) on the book of the same name.  But that's about it. 
Want health?  Collect green orbs from a fountain that behaves EXACTLY like the chests in God of War. 
Want to power-up your abilities? Collect white orbs that behave very similarly to the red orbs in God of War.  Dante's Inferno has a power-up tree that at first glance looks fairly customizable, but the demo doesn't allow you to delve deeply enough into that to really get a good feel for it. 
Finally, I love God of War, but it seems to me that Dante's Inferno is merely trying to be a clone, and not push the envelope in any way.  We won't know the final verdict until the full thing is released next year, which I am probably foregoing for God of War III.