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I'm Working on a Creepy/Atmosphere "Machinima" in ArmA 2 and Need Your Feedback!

I was working on a MARSOC-ish mission for ArmA 2 on a map my guys haven't played on. It's a real heavy jungle and I decided to have it take place in the jungles of central Africa. As a result, I ended up with some gnarly sights. I ended up trying different times of day and realized that the Ammunitions Factory/ Cache I was building was pretty creepy at night with a bit of fog, so I just kind of started rolling the camera and did some editing, added some music, etc. It's not very far along at the moment, and I haven't edited all of the footage, so think of this as the first act of 2-3.

A few notes: First of all, watch it at "original quality." Even if it means buffering, and even if it's above the native resolution of your screen. It'll give you much better quality. And I suggest watching it in relative darkness and with headphones.

And let me know any feedback you have of any kind. Timing on the music, editing, cuts, etc. When I get around to it I'll post the next chunk of stuff, with any feedback taken into consideration. Still not sure I want the ending 'sequence' in this to actually be explicitly shown or if it'll just be the aftermath, we'll see.

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