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My first visit to Banoi.

I wake up at my hotel room, still hungover from the night before. The only thing I remember is people acting crazy, and blood everywhere. I kinda hope it was a nightmare, but I know it was not.

I know I have to get out of here, find a way out and figure out what has happened. It's dark. Slowly and a little anxious, I'm making my way through the hotel corridors. I pick up what I can find. Money, which is maybe useful later and some alcohol to calm my nerves.

The place is empty. Luggage is laying around, and I see blood splatters here and there as I progress through the hotel. I get nervous as I have to turn on my flashlight, this might get me attention I don't want. But my wariness turns out to be unnecessary, I don't encounter anyone, and am left with my rising fear of what might come.

As I step out on a balcony, I almost expect something to attack me, but again, my mind is playing with me. Instead I see two people falling from higher above.

Something's going way wrong here...

I plan to escape through the elevator hatch, but, oh sweet coincidence, things never work out in these situations and I fall several floors down. I bang my head, see a blurry image of someone running towards me, and fall again. Someone talks to me through the speakers, telling me to trust them. What choice do I have?

I step out of the elevator. Unhuman noises and blood all over the place a foreshadowing a cruel fate.

Welcome to Banoi, says the island.



I'm into RPGs and zombies. So I heard about Dead Island, which is banned here in Germany but I got around to import it from the UK.

After reading some reviews, it seems like not the greatest of games, with quite a list of flaws. But I usually like games most people don't like, and I must say, so far I'm really digging it :)

I like that you can find loot in many places, that makes me explore my surroundings very thoroughly, which I enjoy (I'm a nerd :D). Also all the RPG elements are big fun, I'm pretty desperate for new RPG experiences on the PS3 right now. Dragon's Dogma is still far away godammit!

So what can I say? I never played a zombie game before as I'm not into shooters or survival horror (I might get into that genre sometime soon though...), but having zombies + RPG is awesome to me. I'm a bit put off by the first-person view, but I'll get used to it.

This game in third-person view and I'd be the most happy girl :D

I'm not very far in the game yet, but I felt like expressing my feelings towards playing it ^^

PS: Sorry for bad English, I'm not a native speaker.