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365 Games To Play Before You Die - #18-20: Free Games

365 Games To Play Before You Die

Not all good games have to be bought or cost money. Today I going to list three of my favourite flash/downloadable games that I've played. I think a lot of people assume that all flash games are crappy, badly designed games but that's only true for some of them. There are loads of brilliant free online game on the web so I recommend people to check out which is a brilliant site and is the best place to find about new online games. They update daily so there's always something new to play.

Previous 5 Games


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#18: Knytt

Platform(s): PC
Release: 2006
Developer(s): Nifflas ( Nicklas Nygren)
Best Quote: None
GB Wiki Page
Game Site

Knytt is all about atmosphere. You play as a Knytt (a small humanoid creature) who has been abducted by aliens whose UFO subsequently crashes on an unknown planet. Know you must recover all the pieces of the ship so that you can return home. The game is a platformer and your only controls are running, jumping, climbing walls and shining a light which shows you your nearest item (similar to Shadow of the Colossus).

The game is purposefully minimalist and it works really well. There is some ambient background music which works well and all the backgrounds are really beautiful as they create the mood for this strange planet. There are some other animals in the world but apart from them your basically alone in your quest to get back home. This adds to feeling of exploration, adventure and isolation as you're a little person who has big task accomplish.

It doesn't matter if you just play for five minutes because the game is more about the experience then actually 'winning'. 

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#19: Grow Cube

Platfrom(s): PC
Release: 2005
Developer(s): ON
Best Quote: None
GB Wiki Page (needs to be deleted - flash game)
Game Site

This is a game that I'm really not sure how to describe. In the centre you have a cube and on the sides you have different panels with objects in them. You click all the panels once and every time you do it affects the cub in some way. The most important thing is the order you use the objects in as there is only one correct solution. Confused? Just play the game.

The best part about Grow Cube (or any of the Grow games for that matter) is that even if you select things in the wrong order you'll still get a unique result each time. It's experimenting with all the different combinations which really makes the game fun. Grow Cube is just one of the several Grow games which are all available on ON's website, eyezmaze.
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#20: Winterbells

Paltform(s): PC
Release: 2006
Developer(s): Ferry Halim
Best Quote: None
Game Site

A common theme with all the games today's blog is simplicity. That is Winterbells' greatest feature and why it's one of the best flash games I have ever played. Clcik once to make the rabbit jump and then move your mouse to make him hit the bells. The more bells he hits the higher his score get and peridically a bird will fly across the screen, hitting it will double your score. Simple.

The thing that really drew me to the game is how polished and well designed it is. The music is soothing and the art style is elegant. It's just a very well made game. You might think that I'm a bit crazy to like such a small and simple game but that's what I love about it. I can come back to it at any time and instantly become engaged.

This is just one of a number of great game from Ferry Halim who is an amazing flash game designer. His Orsinal site is full of little gaming gems such as A Dog For All Seasons, Sunny Day Sky and Cats, to name a few.

20 down 345 to go.


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Edited By mracoon

365 Games To Play Before You Die

Not all good games have to be bought or cost money. Today I going to list three of my favourite flash/downloadable games that I've played. I think a lot of people assume that all flash games are crappy, badly designed games but that's only true for some of them. There are loads of brilliant free online game on the web so I recommend people to check out which is a brilliant site and is the best place to find about new online games. They update daily so there's always something new to play.

Previous 5 Games


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#18: Knytt

Platform(s): PC
Release: 2006
Developer(s): Nifflas ( Nicklas Nygren)
Best Quote: None
GB Wiki Page
Game Site

Knytt is all about atmosphere. You play as a Knytt (a small humanoid creature) who has been abducted by aliens whose UFO subsequently crashes on an unknown planet. Know you must recover all the pieces of the ship so that you can return home. The game is a platformer and your only controls are running, jumping, climbing walls and shining a light which shows you your nearest item (similar to Shadow of the Colossus).

The game is purposefully minimalist and it works really well. There is some ambient background music which works well and all the backgrounds are really beautiful as they create the mood for this strange planet. There are some other animals in the world but apart from them your basically alone in your quest to get back home. This adds to feeling of exploration, adventure and isolation as you're a little person who has big task accomplish.

It doesn't matter if you just play for five minutes because the game is more about the experience then actually 'winning'. 

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#19: Grow Cube

Platfrom(s): PC
Release: 2005
Developer(s): ON
Best Quote: None
GB Wiki Page (needs to be deleted - flash game)
Game Site

This is a game that I'm really not sure how to describe. In the centre you have a cube and on the sides you have different panels with objects in them. You click all the panels once and every time you do it affects the cub in some way. The most important thing is the order you use the objects in as there is only one correct solution. Confused? Just play the game.

The best part about Grow Cube (or any of the Grow games for that matter) is that even if you select things in the wrong order you'll still get a unique result each time. It's experimenting with all the different combinations which really makes the game fun. Grow Cube is just one of the several Grow games which are all available on ON's website, eyezmaze.
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#20: Winterbells

Paltform(s): PC
Release: 2006
Developer(s): Ferry Halim
Best Quote: None
Game Site

A common theme with all the games today's blog is simplicity. That is Winterbells' greatest feature and why it's one of the best flash games I have ever played. Clcik once to make the rabbit jump and then move your mouse to make him hit the bells. The more bells he hits the higher his score get and peridically a bird will fly across the screen, hitting it will double your score. Simple.

The thing that really drew me to the game is how polished and well designed it is. The music is soothing and the art style is elegant. It's just a very well made game. You might think that I'm a bit crazy to like such a small and simple game but that's what I love about it. I can come back to it at any time and instantly become engaged.

This is just one of a number of great game from Ferry Halim who is an amazing flash game designer. His Orsinal site is full of little gaming gems such as A Dog For All Seasons, Sunny Day Sky and Cats, to name a few.

20 down 345 to go.
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Edited By Driadon

I really do love the Grow series as well as Winterbells, though, personally, I think another that deserves mention is  William and Sly  which is a great take on how mood and simple game design can make for an incredible experience. Can't wait to see what comes of this list.