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Giant Bomb community radio 22nd April 2017

In this latest episode of What's Up Giant Bomb (I may change the name soon; suggestions are welcome) I talk about my recent holiday away with friends where we had the opportunity to play video games and board games, drink all night, and watch films too. I talk about Gang Beasts, Mount Your Friends, The YAWHG and Jack Box Party Pack 3 as well as the board games SKULL, Codenames and The Resistance. Following on from that is also the reveal of Drew's first Clothmap destination.

I hope you all enjoy the show as it's a little more personal than my typical episodes where I usually go over content from the site or general gaming news. If anyone is unfamiliar with Anchor (which I suspect to be pretty much everyone), think short-form Snapchat podcasts. The shows are intended to be quite short but fairly regular (something I'm not doing so well at) but also self delete after 24 hours. If you listen using the app, which is available on iOS and Android, there's even an option to call in if you so like.

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