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Been playing Halo Wars

My impressions so far on Halo Wars is mixed. On the one hand I love Halo and they could sucker me in on just about anything with that name on it and I will give it a try. I have played thru about 6 of the missions so far and my favorite parts are the cut scenes which add to the earlier Halo story.

As for the bad I think I have confirmed to myself I just really don’t like RTS very much. Oh I get a kick out of seeing the UNSC units, especially the Spartans, running around beating on tanks and warthogs running over troops.  But even with the slimmed down RTS experience I just don’t have my attention held like other games and often will play a couple missions and then put it down.  Then later on I seem to always find a excuse not to pick it up again, heck I had more fun finishing 50 Cent Blood in the Sand!

I can’t see myself purchasing this, even renting it was kinda meh. I thought it was funny the other day I eavesdropped on a conversation between a Gamestop employee and a customer where the employee was making sure that the customer knew that this was not a first person shooter and a RTS. Wonder if they had any disappointed kids come back to complain?

I hope this isn’t a trend of whoring out the Halo series after the Bungie days, yeah I’ll pick up ODST but after that I wonder… What next Halo Cart Racing? Just hope it keeps my attention till Resident Evil 5 at least.