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Oblivion Still Amazes Me


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I am replaying Oblivion, cause well, no good games are out there on this moment. Mafia 2 is still a week away (live in Europe), Medal of Honor & Fallout New Vegas are released in Oktober. CoD Black Ops doesn't interest me (with all the noobs, camping, rank cheating and much more). LA Noire would be released this year, but still not much is known about the game. And I Am Alive & Dragon Age 2 Rise To Power are probably next year, the same can be said about The Darkness 2 and Socom US Navy Seals 4.
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I am doing almost every mission in Oblivion and still this game rules, like when I played it the first time. If the game would be released now, with a little bit of better graphics here and there, it would still rock the gaming world. I am a huge fan of Fallout to, but they should begin making Elder Scrolls 5. The world is so immensive, that when you keep exploring it, you still find new places and people. The game contains so much missions, action, humor, lore, violence and more, you can't really find many games to wich you can compare it to. Still it has it flaws, yesterday the Bleak Mine Guards (Lord Drad Mission) where on the bridge to the prison (I got arrested and was released) and they just started murdering everyone in town (Skingrad) except me. They killed about 3 NPC's (not needed for other missions) and about 9 Skingrad Guards before I stepped in and killed them, It was not necessary but otherwise all Skingrad would have been killed. And then you have the voice acting, we all know that to many people in Cyrodill have the same voice and that can ruin your game experience. At last we have the bugs and glitches and the occasional freeze.
So hopefully they start making Elder Scrolls 5 after Fallout NV or Fallout 4 (also confirmed), cause it's about time don't you think?
PS: I play this game on the Playstation 3, just so you know.