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allright guys heres the deal. 

so my friend called me up to sing for his band for one night.
pretty cool right?
WRONG. i hvnt been in a band in a year and a half.
why u say? well, after my last band broke up( it was high school, waddya eexpect?) i just kept myself to managing bands and designing shirts or designing posters for bands.
so here i am just chilling without giving a damn abt singing on stage ever.
so my voice got pretty rusty.
and now i get an EMERGENCY call to sing for his band since his original singer backed down because of some family stuff.

so here i am stuck to singing for his band because i owe him big time. (god damn, never say i'd do any favor for u to ur friend).

so yeah. and worst part is...its on this friday. like 25 of july 2008. god darnit.
not even enough to practice.
oh god help me.

and tips u guys?

p.s. he wants me to sing adams song-blink 182 and slither-velvet revolver.


slither is gonna be hard to sing.