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YOU and I r gonna live FOREVER

alright, so m dad called me like 10-20 mins ago 11.?? on 24/08/08.

he told me how he met my old BEST friend LEON. and by old, like back when i used to live in NEW ZEALAND old. 
he just came back from the UK(while im in america) and is visiting new zealand as of now. thats how we got seperated, i moved to the USA while he moved to the UK. 
my dad told me how my best bud is now graduated from law school and is now a lawyer.
A LAWYER. can you believe that? this kid i used to know when i was like 6 and used to play imagine urself a power ranger with me is now a lawyer??
wow. just wow. i guess 4 years really made a difference.
and to think that he's potentially gonna get married any time soon....sigh*
its sad knowing you have to let go your best friend into adulthood.
no more shall we go up into his treehouse and imagine were in a stranded island. no more shall we jump around sofa's thinking were the power rangers and no more shall we sit on a couch together playing video games.
to be honest, i really feel sad. i mean, im happy he's got what he wanted all his life. 
its just that i hope he doesnt get too busy when i go back home to visit old family and friends next week. (im going home to new zealand for a month) where im going to see him.
i still cant believe hes already a lawyer.
that kid really cleaned himself up good.

"maybe, i dont really wanna know,
how you garden grows, cause i just wanna fly, 
lately did u ever feel the pain of the morning rain,
as it soaks into your bone,
well maybe, i just wanna fly,
wanna live dont wanna die,
maybe i just wanna breathe
maybe i just dont believe
maybe your the same as me
we see things they'll never see
you and i are gonna live forever"

-live forever by oasis