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The more I think about the XBOX ONE reversal today, the more I'm upset. Please allow me to vent...

STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID. Their original policy could have been a game changer. Now it's just a 360 with better graphics. I wanted something truly next gen.

Imagine going across the country to a friend's house, and not having to lug all your discs with you but having all your games available to you when you arrived. COULD HAVE HAD THAT! Imagine living hours away from a relative and sharing a game with him, digitally, for free. COULD HAVE HAD THAT! Imagine that same relative sharing his games with you too, meaning, you'd actually only pay for HALF the games you played. COULD HAVE HAD THAT! Imagine that the average prices of games dropped (like Steam) $10-$20 because of a substantial digital distribution. COULD HAVE HAD THAT! Imagine that your money would go back to the actual developers who made the games, instead of some fat cat CEO at Gamestop who bought your $60 game back for $6. So GLAD we have the right to do that again.

The angry mob of idiots got their way, and set this generation of gaming in reverse. So now the Xbox One will be no different from what's Sony's offering, which is a shame, because it was on track to be something truly special.