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Why does wow make time go so fast..

1st post back in nearly 5 months.. I'm slack :( Atm I’m VERY pumped for Street fighter 4, every time I logon to my 360 I play a bit of HDREMIX and that's great, really having fun playing fighting games again, just thinking of SF4 makes me want to play more remix.. 

Since i haven't blogged in so long here is a brief overview of some stuff I’ve been doing. -

So i decided to check out the new expansion of World of Warcraft about a week after it came out and it's actually pretty good. - Now I’ve decided to slow down on it. I wasn't playing hardcore but I was playing a fair number of nights per week. The whole rotation of Wake up > go to work > come home > play wow > sleep. It's pretty sad but I was starting to do that again and I had to chill on it for a bit. I know logon once a week, or maybe twice.

Now that I'm not playing Wow ever night I have all of these games to play, I even started to get back into GTA4.. I got up to the rescue Roman mission when it first came out and then I kind of got a bit bored with the game. I got up to that Packie mission where you have to rob the bank and failed because I charged out and got smashed by Cops.. :( I will have another crack at it this weekend. I want to at least try and finish the game before the new content comes out. - not to sure if i can because I always get sidetracked with all the other games I have..

Oh yer, I finished playing gears of war 2.. Amazing single player game - I played most of it co-op and it’s AWESOME.... Horde mode is great but since I'm an Aussie I’m yet to enjoy the other MP game types because of the lag.. I guess i just have had bad luck but the lag I get with death match etc is horrible..  Horde mode is fine though.. anyways, A+ for GoW2.. I hope they make a 3rd!  -  

I also checked out Fable 2 new content and it's not to bad, not to sure if it's worth the points yet..  I am up to the 3rd part of it so far. Just have to go into the cave. I love fable, the yellow trail makes it so easy you don't even have to think: D:D:D I guess that's a good thing when you are playing it after a few beers :)

I still haven't been able to get into Fallout 3. I tried to again last weekend but just don't feel the same urge to keep going as I did with Oblivion. I'm sure once i start getting into a few other quests I will but at the moment I've just blown up MT and found my way to the radio station. If i play it again I'm sure I will get right back into it and sucked in as i do with all the other RPGs.. I might give it another shot soon..

I could keep going with about another 15 odd games i've played briefly but I think I might end it here..

