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So this dream I had last night....

For some reason I feel like writing down what went down in this extraordinary dream I had last night. I remember it so well......weird... 

 First this!
 First this!
So in the state I live in tornadoes are rare but they can happen. The dream started out with me in school. Nearly the entire school and I were waiting outside for buses. It was extremely cloudy out. All of a sudden, a mother effin' tornado touches down in front of us. We all booked it into the school and for some reason I sprinted upstairs, ran all the way down the band hallway (which was covered in glass doors and windows), and took cover in a little room. This is weird because the band hallway at my school isn't upstairs, it's downstairs..... 
Anyway, the tornado passed fairly quick and part of the school was damaged. I don't think anyone died. Or maybe lots of people died. I dunno. This part of the dream freaked me out because I used to have recurring nightmares as a child about tornadoes. I regrouped with some friends and then went home safe and sound. At home it was all sunny, a beautiful day. My home was different in this dream: it was in a suburban area with bright green fields all around. The house was also very small. I recall laying in the driveway on a lawn chair or something and talking to my nephew and sister who were up in the attic looking down at me from the window. I have no clue why. I went inside the house for a few and then all of a sudden a mother effin' earthquake happens. This was probably the most frightening part of the dream. You know that feeling you get when you fall a great height in your dream? It feels like your stomach and pelvic region are exploding, you know? Well imagine that times 10. The whole ground was shaking. Because I didn't want the house falling on me, I ran outside and kinda went prone on the ground. It kept going on and on....eventually it stopped. I quickly ran into the house to check on my nephew and sister. When I got to the attic, I saw wood everywhere. The roof had pretty much collapsed. But I could see both of them, laying next to each other, apparently dead. It was a terrible moment. I could hear sad music playing in the background like it was a freakin' movie or something. And then they woke up and looked at me with confused faces. 
 Then this!..... I think?
 Then this!..... I think?
And for some reason, I recall a volcanic eruption following that although I don't remember anything from it. I woke up right as it was going on I guess. 
Just thought I'd share that.


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Edited By natetodamax

For some reason I feel like writing down what went down in this extraordinary dream I had last night. I remember it so well......weird... 

 First this!
 First this!
So in the state I live in tornadoes are rare but they can happen. The dream started out with me in school. Nearly the entire school and I were waiting outside for buses. It was extremely cloudy out. All of a sudden, a mother effin' tornado touches down in front of us. We all booked it into the school and for some reason I sprinted upstairs, ran all the way down the band hallway (which was covered in glass doors and windows), and took cover in a little room. This is weird because the band hallway at my school isn't upstairs, it's downstairs..... 
Anyway, the tornado passed fairly quick and part of the school was damaged. I don't think anyone died. Or maybe lots of people died. I dunno. This part of the dream freaked me out because I used to have recurring nightmares as a child about tornadoes. I regrouped with some friends and then went home safe and sound. At home it was all sunny, a beautiful day. My home was different in this dream: it was in a suburban area with bright green fields all around. The house was also very small. I recall laying in the driveway on a lawn chair or something and talking to my nephew and sister who were up in the attic looking down at me from the window. I have no clue why. I went inside the house for a few and then all of a sudden a mother effin' earthquake happens. This was probably the most frightening part of the dream. You know that feeling you get when you fall a great height in your dream? It feels like your stomach and pelvic region are exploding, you know? Well imagine that times 10. The whole ground was shaking. Because I didn't want the house falling on me, I ran outside and kinda went prone on the ground. It kept going on and on....eventually it stopped. I quickly ran into the house to check on my nephew and sister. When I got to the attic, I saw wood everywhere. The roof had pretty much collapsed. But I could see both of them, laying next to each other, apparently dead. It was a terrible moment. I could hear sad music playing in the background like it was a freakin' movie or something. And then they woke up and looked at me with confused faces. 
 Then this!..... I think?
 Then this!..... I think?
And for some reason, I recall a volcanic eruption following that although I don't remember anything from it. I woke up right as it was going on I guess. 
Just thought I'd share that.
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Edited By Video_Game_King

I think I've had worse. It's hard to describe, but here goes: imagine your body being mapped to a video game interface. Told you it was hard to explain.

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Edited By natetodamax
@Video_Game_King: You blew my mind.
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Edited By Video_Game_King
Then how were you able to type that without getting your fingers sticky with brain cum?
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Edited By natetodamax
@Video_Game_King: Natural reflexes kick in before I perish.
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Edited By Video_Game_King
How do reflexes let you type around mental jiz?
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Edited By MetalGearSunny

Nate, you have crazy dreams. I used to have tons of them, but not as much anymore. Actually now that I think of it, it seems that whenever I dream, I dream about having to re-live my last day of school. Boring, I know.

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Edited By Tireyo

I dreamed about being a pregnant woman once..... SSssooooo very glad that I am a MAN!!!!

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Edited By habster3

Crazy, man; now, all I usually dream about is beginning the next school year. However, I used to have really crazy-ass dreams. My family was moving to another town, where I met up with a friend, but all of the sudden my dad imprisoned both of us. Then we escaped and were running across the town; sometime around this part, I saw Alf (You know, the alien thing?) dressed up as a sandwich outside of a Mexican food restaurant. Anyway, my friend and I seek refuge at a giant imax (Weird for a small town), where we are forced to watch Dora the Explorer on about 20 screens of various sizes. We're bored, but we meet upwith some other friends sooner or later, and Mt. Everest appears in front of us out of the blue, which, for some reason, we decide to climb. Yes, this dream happened, and no, I do not take drugs or consume excessive amounts of alcohol.