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Giving up on MW2

Over the past 4 months or so, I’ve really tried to like Modern Warfare 2. It hasn’t been easy. I’ve been on the bad of a Javelin glitch. I’ve been double shotgunned from a ludicrous distance. I’ve been stabbed in the face by The Flash, who apparently was disguised as a marine(not a glitch, just poor design.) All of these things are bad enough on their own, but when I take into account that they all transpired in game sessions filled with some of the most foul-mouthed, racist, homophobic pieces of shit to ever grace the internet, it makes me wonder how I made it this long.

My breaking point was the map pack. 15 dollars* for 3 new maps and 2 COD4 maps is a price I’m just not willing to pay. Most will, but this is the point where I’m jumping ship. I wish more people would actually think about not only the fact that they aren’t getting 15 dollars* worth of content out of this, but more importantly what message that sends to Infinity Ward and Activision. This map pack will probably be the highest selling piece of DLC ever, and that means that we will never see another map pack(for MW2 or any of the other dozen COD games coming out the next few years) coming out of Activision for less than 15 dollars*. Then again, rational thought might not be a strength of the average MW2 player.

At least there’s a light at the tunnel for me. Modern Warfare 2 is still sitting at 1000 points(60 bucks worth of trade-in value) on Goozex. It might take waiting a bit, but eventually that copy of MW2 will turn into something much better, such as Darksiders or Final Fantasy XIII. Also, I’ve got Bad Company 2. 


*- Sometimes 15 dollars is actually more than 15 dollars. For instance, if you have no Microsoft points and want to get the MW2 map pack, you will have to buy 2 separate point packs to hit the 1200 points which are required, costing you $18.75, also leaving you with 300 MS points leftover. Which isn’t enough to get shit on XBLA. Unless you count that sweet MW2 avatar clothing.