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Games Looking Forward to in 2011

This lists contains some of the games that I am most looking forward to in 2011.  The list may get updated as new games get announced.  No Nintendo 3DS games will get listed until more confirmation can be confirmed on many titles.  Also, note that I do not necessarily intend to obtain all of these games this year - in many cases due to cost. 
UPDATED to reflect changes since E3 2011 (minor re-ordering)

List items

  • Despite just getting the amazing Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver games last year (which I am still enjoying), Pokemon Black/White currently tops my list as the game I am most looking forward to in 2011. Although somewhat unusual for me, I am extremely glad for the "shake-ups" done to the series with these games (basically a completely new and separate set of Pokemon and some region changes). The core Pokemon formula still seems to be in-tact though, which keeps me pretty happy since I still seem to find myself able to reliably return to playing many of the Pokemon games I have played numerous times before.


  • Nintendo announced a new Kirby game for the Wii coming out this year ( Being a Kirby fan, I've added "Kirby Adventure" (the canceled Gamecube game) to this list to represent this Wii game. This is partly due to an assumption that this new Wii game is actually the Gamecube game finally being released. If this gets changed, I'll switch this game to officially being the "new" Wii game.

  • Revealed as a DS game during Nintendo's 2010 Conference (, this game (without a final title) is scheduled for a 2011 release in Japan (and hopefully in the U.S. too!). Those who know me know that I love traditional Kirby games along with variations on the traditional formula. This particular variation seems to allow the player to control up to 10 Kirbies at once...which looks fun.

  • Next up is the The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. I'm a Zelda fan, so that is mainly why this is on my list. It isn't higher since my Zelda interest has weakened some after the Gamecube/GBA era. With Skyward Sword, I am looking forward to the new motion controls, but the new graphical style also has me excited. I loved the graphical style of Wind Waker, and the graphics of Twilight Princess mostly bored me. The new style seems like a good placement for the series between those two extremes.

  • After waiting awhile, I finally got the original de Blob for about $20 this Christmas. The game, while not screaming "super amazing fantastic" at me, is still very solid and a lot of fun. It definitely keeps in mind that it is a "game," but it also adds a lot of depth to make the experience non-trivial. Based on what I've read about the upcoming sequel, it seems to be even better (including fixing the necessity to flick the Wiimote to jump, which is my main complaint about the original).

  • Last up on the list is Okamiden. I've only played through a small portion of Okami on the Wii, but the game is amazing. The main gameplay mechanic seems well-suited for the DS. Unfortunately, my excitement for this game has mostly decreased over time, largely due to the game's environments looking too similar to the original (not to mention that I really need to finish the original!)

  • I'll admit - I'm getting a bit tired with the LEGO games (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc.). However, out of the games in the series that I've played (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Batman), I've always enjoyed the Star Wars games the most. Initially, I didn't include this game on my list since I was getting tired of the games, and I'm also not a big fan of the animated "Clone Wars" series. However, after learning about some of the huge battles in LEGO Star Wars III, I've decided to add this to my list.