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Sorry I haven't posted anything in the past few days, The internet has been really bad at my place as of late (like almost dial-up), so I've barely been able to check the site though it should be back to speedy by tomorrow. I haven't been playing many games lately, preferring to instead *try* to browse the site and update stuff. I've managed to make a couple of edits and get a few points (46 to be exact) and hope to break the 100 barrier very soon and from there the oly way to go is up! speaking of that, brings me to my big worry when I get 1000 points, what happens if I fuck up. Not so much if I put in incorrect data, thad' just get fixed up by someone else, probably pretty quickly, but say there's a game I want to submit an article for, that already had a great article in it. I with my Mr 1000 go and edit the article with what I wanted to write, completely removing the good article and replacing it with my decent one, thereby lowering the quality of the page and the site as a whole. of course worrying about it will probably reduce the chance of me doing that greatly.

While I'm on the topic of 1000, something pretty damb awesome happened recently. A while ago my mum said 'Pick your grades up and I'll give you something' so I picked up my grades and it turned out to bee 1000, 1k, 1g, one, tripple oh'.

In cold. hard. cash.

Oh. my. fuck.