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Interesting, maybe TB will have to get a real job instead of being a pretentious know nothing with a good voice and a chip on his shoulder? Unlikely, but in all honesty who cares? In a country where the govt can kill you without due process of law and is constantly spying on you I think there is much greater legal worries than some British guy who profits off other peoples work, excuse me I guess it takes so much skill and work to attach another audio line to a video. In reality all lets play videos should be put forward to devs/publishers on whether to allow them or not or even take a cut off the top.

Anyone who says that people should be allowed to sit at home and play video games that other people made and just talk and make a living like that has a very skewed view on the world. Other people made that media and your essentially showing people that media without paying any sort of commission.

People talking about SOPA type of laws and such, if you think trifle video games are the worst affect SOPA would have, think more along the lines of KGB affects. Which are already happening, usually the laws and stuff like SOPA only come after the fact when these things have been happening for years or more.Using other peoples property also does not fall under freedom of speech or any other constitutional right in the USA aswell and should never, so for the guy who said something along the lines of that your just admitting you know nothing. Its like a person crying about they dont have enough money and need more welfare when there are help needed signs in every window.

This crap is the reason I left gamespot and its even here. Fantastic. This kind of gross ignorance of the world around yourselves is really messed up.

The only thing dumber than people like TB are the people that watch people like TB, you gain absolutely nothing intellectually, has no comedic affect like birgirpall, and in such a short life to waste time with the opinions of some jerk like this Brit bonger is truly astounding.

That said I didn't even watch the video. Don't even care.