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Give me some color!

I wonder if anyone else feels this way about games.. 

I've found out I don't care much for those grey, dusty, hyper violent games. First person shooters with roided up dudes being all gung ho about everything, those don't do it for me. I have Killzone 2, and I see that the gameplay is good, and that the graphics and sound are phenomenal, but it's phenomenally gruesome, and I can't really stand it for long stretches of time. Feels kind of depressing. I'll trade it in, I guess.  So the COD games, and MAG, and Bad Company and stuff, those games don't even register on my radar anymore.  I
For some reason, most likely the Wii's reputation as a too-casual system, it feels almost embarassing to admit it, but the game I've spent the most time with is Twilight Princess. This was three years ago, andI hadn't played any Zelda games before, or really anything much on consoles at all,  and as such, the whole world of that game was amazing to me. And one of the things I like most about it is that it sometimes slows down to an absolute crawl, with nothing much happening at all. It gives me time to breathe, it feels like. 
To me, these games are on opposite ends of the spectrum of action-type games (can't really include Tetris in this, for obvious reasons). One side I like, one I'm tiring of. Between them are games like MGS4 and Uncharted. I like those too, probably because they seem to have a bit more creativity in them.
So, a completely random post, I guess, but that's what I was thinking about.  
Good evening!