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Best of 2009

NorthernFredz: Best of 2009
Just to clarify, this list is not a list of what I believe are the best games of 2009 for everyone. Instead this is a personalised list of games which I have played and thoroughly enjoyed. I also have a list of games which I am most looking forward to playing and am yet to this year. 
Take a look, send me a comment or just sit there and disagree with me.

List items

  • A game I picked up fairly recently and could not put down for an entire weekend. This may make it sound like it is a short experience but it is only because I did nothing else that weekend but play this game. A great superhero game and a great action game. The art style is superb and the background research into the slightest of details on certain characters is incredible. I really liked the constant 'tip of the hat' to characters who were not present in the game as enemies but lurking in the background i.e. Two-Face's prison cell. Again, great voice acting and a good solid combo fighting system.

  • Another great single player campaign with an incredible story and picture perfect cinematic moments. I struggled to put this game down due to the seamless flow from one chapter to the next. I really liked Uncharted: Among Thieves and this just used that as a foundation and built upon it beautifully. Excellent presentation and voice acting gave this game a smooth polish and awesome atmosphere.

    A good solid multiplayer which I played a hell of a lot of when in beta and then kind of dropped off when the full game was released. It falters not because it isn't good enough, but because Modern Warfare is just so good online.

  • How could I not? The hours I have sunk into the multiplayer and am yet to are phenomenal. My brain hurts just at the thought of how much time I will waste sat in front of a screen playing this game. It's not perfect- from the perspective of someone who plays the multiplayer a lot- far from it. The most frustrating thing about this game is the fact that they are all small things which should have been balanced before the game came out. Actually scratch that. The most frustrating thing about this game is that fact that in lieu of all its problems I find myself back on it getting mad at some kid who's primary is a M16 noob tube and has akimbo Models on his back.

    Great single player as well.

  • A game I only just played after Christmas and it was fantastic. Easily my favourite point and click game in years. The art style, which looks like it has been taken straight out of a David Firth cartoon, is incredible and you quickly fall in love with the main protagonist. For what feel like the forgotten fans of point and click, this game makes up for it. Also worth checking out is Amanita Design's previous game Samorost 2.