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I'm not in the game industry, but I can imagine the work from home really messed up the workflow, and not only for this game. I wouldn't want to be working in QA right now and having to download a 70GB game multiple times a day each time there is a new build.

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From what it sounds like from the information around the internet so far is that the current generation consoles are the problematic platforms. It sounds like the game is complete, but is not running very well on the PS4 and Xbox One.

If that is the case I wonder if the delay is actually just waiting till the new consoles come out. If they released it on their original date, then most of the core console audience would be playing on the PS4 or Xbox One. If the game was in a broken state, then its likely there would be huge blacklash to the game. But if the game release 3 weeks later, which notably pushes it after black friday and cyber monday, then its possible many thousands of players would have upgraded to a PS5 or Xbox Series where it presumably runs fine on. Then when the game releases the backlash won't be so severe.

I'm not saying they aren't going to spend those 3 weeks working to fix the issue, but I do wonder if the delay was motivated in part by waiting for next gen console adoption.