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#3  Edited By OceanCandy

Hello everyone!

If anyone could identify this game, I will forever be in your debt. This game is probably incredibly hard to find, as it might have been only launched in my country.

I remember playing this game around the time when Nesquick cereal bags would have CD’s with games stuck on them. I remember getting Crazy Taxi and Total Immersion Racing around 2004-2005 and other similar games. I can’t say for sure if this game was a cereal box cd or not tho.

I remember when opening the game, it was like a picture with some paths and along those paths there were several different games to play. So it was kind of like a menu of games.

One of those games was a colouring game, and all I can remeber is that one of the colouring images was a wild west themed canyon-sunset-cactus-thingy, and if you used a redish-orange color on the sun, a female voice would say something like “wow, you chose a great colour for the sunset” smth like that

Another game in the menu was something about helping Yeti sort out the foods and jars in a fridge, before the eskimos came. I believe Yeti was sitting to the right of the fridge, and the idea of the game was that once the fridge was open, you had to memorise what foods were in the fridge, the fridge than closed, and opened again empty, and you had to fill it up as it was before, the best u can remember from your memory. I believe upon clicking on the foods, a female voice would say what the foods are. I can vividly remember the voice saying “Untură de balenă” (“Whale oil”) . The game was in Romanian.

I also remember that the characters that explained you how to play the game were 2 kids, probably twins, very cartoonish, and I’m almost certain that they were both bald, probably wearing caps, but definitely bald (I believe they also doubled as the hosts of the game, like they would say things like “welcome to our world” or smth like that)

That’s literally all I can remember, and as I said, I’m not sure if this game was only launched in Romania, or it was just dubbed in romanian.

Please, for the love of god, help me find this game.