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Games I wish I hadn't bought

Sometimes games looked awesome, review awesomer, and even appear to fit my playstyle. Sometimes, they also have one other thing in common: I hate them. I paid retail for each of these games, and I barely got any enjoyment out of them, much less achievement points.

List items

  • Giant Bomb's own quick look of this game sold me on the concept. DL'd the demo, and bought the game shortly thereafter. Loved destroying buildings, hated shooting dudes. There's a lot more of the latter in this game. 35 achievement points.

  • Saw a favorable word from Tycho, of Penny Arcade fame. Played and loved the demo. Played it for at least 10 hours and earned a whopping 0 achievement points. Deck building is my favorite part of CCGs, and that aspect is extremely crippled in the beginning/middle of the game.

  • Played Guitar Hero 2 to DEATH on the playstation 2. Became a one-console man out of respect for my fiance, bought this to be my rhythm game. Had one great night with it, but ultimately I don't have people over enough to play it-- which doesn't warrant the space the instruments take up in our tiny apartment. Don't much care for it as a single player experience.

  • I like being the certain situations. But, I play a Halo game to turn off my brain and pull the right trigger when an alien is in the middle of the screen. That only works if you're a badass, best-of-the-best Spartan. Reach beta was interesting, but fleetingly so.

  • The "real time turn based" combat was a huge draw, and I was in the mood to play as an anime-ish looking character. And a story framed around Chopin? Sure, sign me up. I hated all three of those things after 40 / 1000 achievement points and put it away forever.

  • Loved the visual style. Unfortunately, the time I have to play games is infrequent, so I could not remember any of the combos or which way I was supposed to go-- which makes the game extremely frustrating. Maybe one day I'll break my leg and will have a more contiguous chunk of time to play. One can only hope.