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Video game journalism is killing video games.

Every shit storm that comes along the video game industry manages to make itself seem less credible and proceeds to kill the very little credibility it has left (if it has any at all is debatable). It descended in to nothing but click bait to get more money from ads, the interests of the people who visit the sites aren't the priority of the people making the content. It has come down to people in the industry are shamelessly making sensationalised content to increase site visitors.

The surge of Anti-Advertising software had press 'celebrities' crawling out of the wood work protesting how dare people use browser extensions, look at Game Trailers for example. On some websites certain journalists have turned it in to a platform to push their own political agenda which is the most damaging factors the industry faces today along with shit like Doritogate, IGN putting in one of their own to Mass Effect and Gawker making up things about David Jaffe. Journalism in the industry needs to stay neutral as possible if it wants to improve and gain some journalistic integrity. The very people in the gaming press that are doing this practice are the very people that are hurting the industry the most.

Fucking stop it.