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The Story Behind My Excellent Username

I put this up on Screened a few weeks ago and I really enjoyed reading everyone's responses. So I figured I'd put it up on all the WM sites and see what everyone has to say.

As you may have noticed, I have a really, really stupid username. The first three letters of my name followed by four entirely random numbers do not an interesting handle make. With your indulgence, I'd like to explain myself:

It all started years ago when I was first signing up for Xbox Live. I was super excited to get home from Best Buy (after purchasing my proprietary Xbox-brand wireless adapter) and start playing Halo 2. Having a terrible wireless network at home, in addition to me not knowing how to do these kinds of things at the time, meant that I spent the the better part of the afternoon setting up the connection and making my account.

When I finally got to the part where they wanted me to come up with a name, I was pretty impatient with the process and just wanted to get on with murdering some asshole blues/reds. I had thought of (what I thought at the time was) a really clever Gamertag. Of course it, and all variations I could come up with were already taken. So I tried my name, which was also obviously taken. Finally, out of frustration, I added the first four numbers that came to mind to the first three letters of my first name.

My plan was to keep this temporary name for a few days until I could think of a clever name that wasn't taken yet. A week later, when I had finally thought of one, I went to the Xbox dashboard, punched in the name, and discovered that Microsoft charged $5 to change your Gamertag. So I said "eff this ess", kept the shitty name, and the rest is history. Pat4327 history.

Long story short, I have a dumb username because I'm a cheapskate. What's the origin story behind your name?