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Hawt girls are great and all, but don't let them be your doom.

I've been using the Internet for a long, long time. Maybe not far back enough to have fond memories of BBS servers and baud modems, but I certainly saw the rise and fall of companies like Juno, AOL, and Netscape. I was alive when the online economic bubble first popped and people came to the bitter realization that, uh, hey, if you wanted to make money on the Internet, you'd have to do better than have a witty domain name and mangled Java/HTML. So much like a lot of the other fine folks here on Giant Bomb, I'm in tune to the Internet's subcultures. This naturally includes a certain predisposition towards erotica and porn. After all, I get morbid enjoyment out of places like Omegle, so I better know about that particular underbelly of the Internet.
I'm not here to stop you from running around and saying "asl" followed by a proposition for pics and/or camsex. People are like any other animal: horny as all hell and wanting to propagate the Earth instinctually so mankind can retain its dominance over the rest of nature. Just a word of advice: don't let the search for bewbage and hotness result in your death. If this Team Fortress 2 video is to be believed, too many people let their hormones overcome their sense of rationality.