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Oh god, Jimmy's come to take over our wiki, too!

Question: Have you visited Wikipedia recently? If the answer is no, do so and just go to any random article. Here, I'll even link a few to you in some different languages for you. As you might have noticed, there's someone who's, shall we say, a bit of a universal constant. No matter where you go these days, that mug and that plea of Jimmy Wales is there, begging, just begging for your money. This is not something entirely new; being a nonprofit site, Wikipedia has a habit of doing this just about every year. But never before has it been that damn obtrusive. Now, granted, on the English version of the site, you get a few other people in the banner now, but totally-not-StarCraft-unfortunately Jimmy is the one that's gotten a lot of visibility. And for good/horrible reason.
Unfortunately for us all, it's apparently contagious for the rest of the Internet. This place, sadly, is no exception.

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How bold of him to do so. He doesn't even own Giant Bomb, a site that now gets revenue from ads and its members and yet he still wants to mooch off of you, the innocent viewer. And it doesn't seem to be limited to just the front page, either. I took screencaps of other places he hit as well.

Guys, I think we're in serious trouble here. Given that there seems to be no end in sight for Jimmy's reign of terror, we might need to start putting infected areas into containment. We've done too much and gone so far to let ourselves be defeated by this menace. Something has to be done.
Maybe we should even call upon the Vanguards of the Lunch Revolution for assistance. Maybe.
But otherwise, I don't know what to do, guys. I'm really, really scared. This page might put us on the right track for finding a solution, but I dunno, man. Things just seem so grim right now.