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2012: I might become a well rounded individual.

Are you the type of person that tends to obsess fanatically about something only to discard it later for something new and shiny to obsess about? Maybe you have one thing you obsess about for a long time and then other things you just obsess over once in a while, like an on again off again girlfriend you like but you don't want to commit to anything serious? Or maybe you're a sane individual with varied social life and hobbies. Hell, you might even read books.

I'm one of those people that become way too engrossed in something and define myself with it. You couldn't tell it from the outside (well, maybe when I was a teenager and all I listened to was Marilyn Manson), but talk to me for any length of time and eventually you'd see a pattern where I would eventually talk about video games, even if you don't play them. And I've come to realize that as of late, video games are hindering me financially and time wise to do other things and become more well rounded as an individual. Sure, having a hobby isn't as crazy as turning every conversation into a fanboy rant about how awesome some band is, but you're still a bore to be around eventually.

Granted, I make this sound more crazy than it might be in reality. Because the reality is that I work in a factory and the IQ level at my job isn't staggering. So talking about anything other than soccer, cars, shitty movies or every day dull bullshit is a complete waste of time with these coworkers of mine. Bring up something interesting you read and half the people listening to you will have a dead stare as if you said some magic word that had them paralyzed. Reading Big Think isn't doing anything for my social skills other than making myself look like a know-it-all douche.

But I digress, the lesson I've learned over the years is that I have a lot of hobbies, not just video games. But I've favored video games because it's easy and mind numbing. It takes little effort and it's not particularly healthy to do something because it's easy, as I wouldn't say all those hours of Call of Duty multiplayer was worth it when if I spent half that time at the gym I would be in pretty good shape.

So, my 2012 resolution was to aspire to be a better me. In every way. If I was going to spend so much time playing them games, I might as well get better at writing about them at the same time. But, to pick and choose a bit more which games to play and prioritize time towards other things such as the gym, reading my collection of Hunter S. Thompson books (along with some other books I own and still haven't read) and get out there and experience some things that doesn't require a controller in my hands. Pick up my photography again, or is that saying so cliché I might as well have said "Let's get the band back together.."? Just asking.

Bringing this back around, this thing spurred from me checking out a list of what games are to come in the next year and the games I am really looking forward to isn't that many. Sure, I got some 2011 games I haven't picked up that I still do want to play, but for the first time in a long while it was nice to see a list of games with very few (or at least, less than usual) that piqued my interest. It means I'll have more money and more time to spend on other hobbies and interests. Thanks video game industry.

We'll see by 2013 if I'm a better person. I mean, if I'm more well rounded. A better person might be a stretch.