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The Fall Of Financial Despair

It is as though the norse gods are trying to drown me in mead. Or perhaps my dysfunctional brain just doesn't cope well with reality. I suppose the latter is a lot more likely, though the first one would imply I was in Valhalla drinking and having a good time, which doesn't sound all too bad. It has dawned on me that I have a lot of issues in regards to how I leisurely, yet manically, buy video games when they have just been released because they're new. Not necessarily because of some arbitrary (I like saying "arbitrary", makes it all sound so insultingly posh) idea of fulfilling a collection, not because I don't have other games already that I could play (and finish). But simply because they're new. And the further away from release, the less likely I will be to purchase said game. Again, not because it's a less attractive product by itself or anything remotely reasonable. It is as if the interest in the games have an expiration date.

If I don't get a certain game on release, I will eventually forget it in the swamp of other games I play. And when I eventually think about picking that game up I was obsessing over for a few days in October, I'll hesitate and ask myself if I think that game is actually worth the cash (ignoring the fact that it's cheaper now). The worst part about it all though is that I don't get caught up in hype anymore, I've seen too many things over the years. I don't get excited the way I used to (until I get a box in the mail and a free weekend, I suppose). So why the hell can't I just sit back and relax?

I'll tell you why; I don't have time to. Yakuza 4 isn't finished yet because (listen to this); I haven't found an evening when the mood was right. Yakuza is one of those games I have to get into the right setting to play. At the very least I need a couple of bottles of Japanese beer. To get into the setting, and all. You know, things normal people do when they want to play a game. Aside from my obvious aversion of regular brain patterns, I tend to waste too much time on multiplayer games, like Call of Duty and Starcraft II. For no benefit at all, really. I mean, who ever said Prestige was a bragging right? It just means you accomplished nothing more than once. Congratulations.

So, here we are in fall season. I've already pre-ordered Assassin's Creed: Revelations and Batman: Arkham City. And I find it pretty amusing how gullible I am that I even went as far as to pre-order the collector's edition of both of those (because who can deny the attractive nature of a Batman figurine on their book case standing there next to Ezio, Nosferatu [Editor's Note: Graf Orlok, to be exact] and the remote control car from Black Ops). And that's just the beginning. I still have to take into account which modern face shooter I'm going for, probably both even though that's stupid.

I'm not going to sit here and go through the list of games and give them alternate descriptions just for shits and giggles, but it's a long list of games and they will all cost me greatly. My significant other showed me how much it would cost me to buy all the games new with a judgmental look on her face. But she doesn't know, she likes baking and reading books. Still, I am trying to work against my better nature by listing all the games I want so they don't fall between the two halves of my brain when I possibly don't buy them day one. Rest assured, even if I do manage to cut some games, it will be an expensive fall for someone so incapable of acting responsibly and having some form of reasonable priorities. Who needs food anyway? Overrated.

Editor's note #2: Just ordered Deus Ex: Human Revolution today, should be interesting.