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I am beyond excited right now

Well to put it simply, gamespot got old. I was sick of the 10 year old fanboys that roamed that site, just wait for you to bash halo. So when you did they could throw some stupid facts at you on how its the best game ever!!! (NOTE-This is the same kid that tbags and starts screaming at his mom to make him food while hes playing.)

Im looking for some good friends here so let me tell you a little bit about myself

I own a 360,wii, and ds. I would say that my primary system is the 360, by far. I dont play the ds anymore (brother does) and the wii is rarly used...due to the lack of good games.

Im an fps type guy. Enjoy the occasional RTS or sports game. Usually end up spending most of my gaming hours leveling up in a fps.

I love to talk about games. Almost as much as playing them. I plan to be an extremly active user here.

More facts to come...Im going to be short here today because I want to explore the site! Feel free to send me a friend request if you see this.
Thanks for reading