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Wow points much?

So as I get back from my weekend at my friends lake house I am greeted with around 400 more points. Writing articles for Mario Kart, but most notably Backyard Baseball 2001. If you have time check that baby out...Its a say the least. :) im just kidding. 

Anyways if you want to know how I accumulated so many, so fast it is because of articles, coming up with concepts and objects, and then once that concept or objects gets publised, writing about it then getting alot of points.

I would probably be around 1000 if I was at home this weekend, for all the objects and concepts I came up with were published, then I could have wrote a bunch of stuff for them, getting alot of points.

Buts thats not what this site is about. Its not about who can write the most and get the most points. Its about all of us coming together, and putting together a pretty kick ass database. Now that i've thought about it I'm actually glad people filled in those pages about HD graphics, Backyard Sports, and crouching. Now when people go to reference them, there will be stuff there. 

For my future plans considering writing stuff. I will write an article on backyard football. Maybe one on crouching. Defiantly one on backyard sports. I might save the big stuff for when I get to 1000, for it will be nice to know that your 1000 article wont be beat out by another user because they got their first. 

Maybe Ill make it my mission to get to 1000 tonight...Idk. Well see. 

Thanks for the comments on last blogs, and for those of your who edited my article. I will throw out again, I'm sure the Mario Kart 64 article has some mistakes, and the backyard baseball one too. But I'd concentrate on Mario kart for now....because well lets face it. It was a tiny bit more popular then backyard baseball.

O and if you don't know what backyard baseball is...THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE READ MY ARTICLE!