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Top 12 Games of 2012 (PS3)

This list represents the best games that I have actually played from 2012. Three of them were released in 2011, but with outstanding DLC or necessary patches, these games came into their own in 2012.

List items

  • No, not this game, but the PSN exclusive "Journey" is my personal game of the year. For whatever reason, Journey is not coming up in the search engine. It may sound weird, but I have never had such a spiritual experience playing a game. The developer, thatgamecompany, did an AMAZING job of thinking outside the box. The quest for the divine, the need for companionship, the lack of dialogue, the whole journey to the mountain... do yourself a favor and check out Journey if you have a PS3

  • Wow. Far Cry 2 was a great open world game, but FC3's bow and arrow action, animal hunting, and improved stealth gameplay made the single player campaign that much more enjoyable. Combining the XP from co-op and online versus multiplayer was a much-appreciated boon, as experience from guns transfers between both. The online co-op was very enjoyable, as I personally prefer co-op gameplay to online versus, particularly when trophies are involved.

  • Yes, technically this came out in 2011, so I bumped it to second place. However, with the ongoing DLC, BF3 got a lot of gametime in 2012.

  • Yes, another title from 2011, but Naughty Dog went all out with multiplayer mode in 2012, and it is a hoot. The single player campaign, dealing with the complexities of Nate and Elena's relationship, the twist with the death of a certain main character.... I was hooked. Great gunplay and platform balance - probably the best out there at the moment.

  • OK, another 2011 release but due to coding issues with the PS3, this game was not truly playable until 2012. I spent over 400 hours on this game. Don't laugh. I'm rich and highly leveled; OK, I guess you can laugh. I am not a fan of RPGs or the whole "Lord of the Rings/wizards/magic/elves" genre, but Skyrim was so well done, it really grabbed me.

  • The stupidity of "The Encyclopedia of the Common Man" trophy and anti-organized religion bashing aside, wow! Streamlining the parkour, freerunning through trees, hunting animals, crafting, recruiting tradesman... oh yeah, and assassinating people! Ubisoft moved themselves to the front of the line when it comes to favored developers, right after Naughty Dog and thatgamecompany.

  • Open world adventure games and shooters - no big surprise this one makes the list. The intricate detail that went into creating a virtual Hong Kong is what sets this game apart.

  • "I knew this was gonna be a bad idea, but in the continued absence of any good ones, I decided to go with it." The Noire style of MP3 was so enjoyable. Rockstar surprised me with the character arc Max goes through, transforming from washed out alcoholic cop to vengeful, shaved-head mercenary with a conscience. The gameplay and bullet time were good, the story makes sense, and there is no pretty Hollywood ending. Online multiplayer? That's another story.

  • From Dust, another PSN game not located by the search engine, was a blast. You play God, controlling the weather and ocean for your tribes of hunter-gatherers. Sick man that I am, I thought damming the ocean only to later remove it and watch my villagers swept away like so many ants was great entertainment.

  • Clementine... I have never felt so protective of a game character, ever. Forget saving Ben, Kenny, or anyone else. It was Clem first, and the ending - I had a premonition that was coming, but still. Having to leave Clem was brutal; then again, life's not fair.

  • I am not a fan of most driving games for one primary reason: the AI always cheats! Burnout Paradise is my favorite driving game ever because it is more open-handed and allows drivers to solve problems through violence. When I heard Criterion would be helming Most Wanted after the previous Need For Speed debacles, I took a chance. The AI still cheats, and you are more pigeon-holed as to choices than Burnout Paradise, but Most Wanted is still an enjoyable driving game.

  • Borderlands 2 would have been in my top 3 had it not been for the excessive "Gay Pandora" themes and crude humor. Excellent co-op gunplay, original NPCs and a well-crafted villain made this fun to play.