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Should you have played : Kingdom Rush

We have seen a lot of tower defense games throughout the years.

Some are blatant ripoff clones, some are more fleshed out genuine concepts that try to mix genders. But sometimes, creating a traditional Towerdefense game with a great artstyle, easy to pick up and difficult to master is good enough.

And thats where Kingdom Rush shines best. Beautiful flash artwork, with great mechanics and a genuine fresh feel. Arguably one, if not the most addictive tower defense game thats free to play on the internet since all the way back in 2011.

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The game is set in a fantasy word with beautifully handcrafted levels, where you will battle waves of cartoony mythical monsters that are trying to destroy your kingdom. Each level has a set number of places where you can place the towers, and because there are only a limited number of towers you will have to come up with tactical decisions where to place the towers.

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Inbetween levels you are allowed to upgrade towers and boost the damage, fire rate, call more reinforcements and upgrade global spells, or just visit the Encyclopedia that hosts information about all the current enemies you have encountered . There are also Achievements for those of you that are hoarders !

Another cool feature is the fact you can pick a Hero to take with you on each stage if you wish. You get to choose one out of 3 core heroes, a Ranged, Support, Melee damage dealer and all gain levels over the course of a stage from enemies and even get special abilities.

There are six more if you choose to buy a premium version and support the developers, along with 7 bonus stages, one extra spell, and a gold boost. But this is all optional and you dont have to buy it to be able to clear the entire game. Its more of a token of appreciation if you so desire.

You have 4 tower types available that you can place, each with its own upgrades and specialization, 18 special abilities that can alter the way you play and the tactics you have.

Like most flash based games you can play anywhere you have access to a internet browser and even on your mobile phone or tablet now.

There is also a sequel that was released besides the original for the Android&Iphone/Ipad so you can even play on the go. So i hope people that had no clue this existed now have the chance to try it out. Its free afterall so give it a go !

  • The good: Kingdom Rush is a original take on the tower defense gender with fun gameplay and allot of action.
  • The bad :
  • Conclusion : Fast paced tower defense with exciting gameplay and replayability, a must play for tower defense fans.
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