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I beat Fable 3 finally. I now understand the issues everyone had with the last part of that game.

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Have you ever had a game's story hit you hard with thought?

Recently I have gotten back into playing Bioshock and while playing the game, the atmosphere of the game just hit me. I was suddenly engrossed in this science fiction world that I almost believed was real. I began to think hard about all the different things that make rapture such a messed up place to live. I thought about a mess of things, but what really struck me was the thought of the Big Daddy. I know from the story that these big guys are genetically modified to protect the little sisters and that their suits are actually a part of their bodies, but I also know that they were and possibly still are people. Then thats when the game hit me again. When I kill these Big Daddys, I completely forget that there is a guy somewhere within that suit. In addition, this guy could be completely aware of what he is doing, but he can't stop anything because of his controlling protector genetics. It just gets too me to think that I kill these guys just to get some atom, while all they are doing is protecting these Innocent little, creepy, girls. I actually begin to feel like I am the bad guy. I don't know though, maybe I am blowing this whole thing out of proportion, but I just thought that was cool that a video game could engross me that much into a single idea about a fictional world. Has anyone else had this happen, or am I just crazy for thinking too in depth in a game?