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So first blog post eh?

Yeah...i honestly dont get blogs, never really got the point of them. Why would anybody post their thoughts and opinions on some website in the corner of the internet, just to get them out there to the "public"?

I'll tell you why, boredom and insomnia. Its why i am doing it.

Since i do loathe blogs so i'll just use this one to help me get to sleep in the wee hours of the morning, and to also  rant about whatever i feel like, mostly music, and games. I am not gonna put anythign about my personal life, or some stupid poem that i wrote while i was on the crapper that i thought was great and deep. Nor will you hear about my illigimate children (if i have any) or stupid crap about my pets, or anything like that.

This is a site for games, go to myspace if you want horrible Goth Lit.

Instead your gonna get the insane and mediocre and sometimes repetitive rants of a boaring insomniac. But atleast you dont have to worry about horriable spelling errors, or stupid L33t speak. Or something that looks as if it's been written by some one with a mental ailment.

So theres a plus.......i guess

If you've read this far you've no doubt read my "profile" and it still stands, if you really want ot know something just ask. If not, who cares!?

Ya think i wanna tell you about me ya mook?



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Edited By Prime20

So first blog post eh?

Yeah...i honestly dont get blogs, never really got the point of them. Why would anybody post their thoughts and opinions on some website in the corner of the internet, just to get them out there to the "public"?

I'll tell you why, boredom and insomnia. Its why i am doing it.

Since i do loathe blogs so i'll just use this one to help me get to sleep in the wee hours of the morning, and to also  rant about whatever i feel like, mostly music, and games. I am not gonna put anythign about my personal life, or some stupid poem that i wrote while i was on the crapper that i thought was great and deep. Nor will you hear about my illigimate children (if i have any) or stupid crap about my pets, or anything like that.

This is a site for games, go to myspace if you want horrible Goth Lit.

Instead your gonna get the insane and mediocre and sometimes repetitive rants of a boaring insomniac. But atleast you dont have to worry about horriable spelling errors, or stupid L33t speak. Or something that looks as if it's been written by some one with a mental ailment.

So theres a plus.......i guess

If you've read this far you've no doubt read my "profile" and it still stands, if you really want ot know something just ask. If not, who cares!?

Ya think i wanna tell you about me ya mook?