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  • prouddegenerate posted a message in the forum topic Borderlands 3 or Borderlands 2. on the Borderlands 3 board

    I prefer Borderlands 2, mostly because I haven't played 3. But from seeing the villains, to what happens to a certain character in the story, to being limited to 4 characters, I probably won't be pla...

  • prouddegenerate posted a message in the forum topic A positive thread about what you're currently playing. on the General Discussion board

    My GPU subscription expired, so I've only been able to play 3 games. I got Dying Light, X-com 2 for my birthday, and Injustice 2 because I got it while it was on sale for 10 bucks, along with Sub-Zer...

  • prouddegenerate posted a new image.
  • prouddegenerate posted a new image.