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#1  Edited By Psychos1s

Good to know. Thanks for sharing!!

I knew about the third person view (when sheathed) but had no idea about the zoom feature. If I wanted a closeup view I'd manipulate my character next to a wall or object that forces the camera close in. :)

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#2  Edited By Psychos1s

Sweet! Thanks for sharing. I didn't know about this. Guess I'll be buying some Dr. Pepper...

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#3  Edited By Psychos1s

I love the gameplay the way it is. I like having the freedom to grind if I choose. Therefore I wouldn't want the souls to diminish as I kill the same enemy over and over again.

I'd say improve the engine so the frames are more consistent. And while it is already towards the top of my favorite games of all time–what would be the icing on the cake for me is an actual story you care about. I thought the idea of the story was adequate but the way it was presented wasn't ideal. I went into this game for the gameplay so I didn't mind if the story was there or not. I'm just nitpicking and wanting that icing to my already delicious Funfetti Cake! :)


I almost forgot. I'd like a radial quick inventory select. I can't think of the exact naming convention for it. But you know, when you hold a button down in other games and a circle appears with all of the weapons/gadgets appear and you can quick select the one you want. I don't know how many times I'd cycle through my spells and miss the one I want so have to cycle through it again while in the middle of battle and fighting for my life.

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#4  Edited By Psychos1s

DICE had to use lower res textures in certain areas like many cross-platform games tend to do. Most of the textures in the comparison screens are identical. And when the game is in motion and you're busy shooting and dodging bullets, the posters will look blurry anyway. What you will notice more than a few blurry textures here and there is lighting. In many of the screens and videos I saw on Lens of Truth, the PS3 version had better lighting.

I will point out in the screen above–while the 360 has high res poster textures, it also has more blurriness from the middle guy on, (I'm assuming this is due to the AA method used). Ignore the posters and look at the middle guy's pants and shoulders. Also the seat right above his shoulder is blurry. The gun model on the PS3 also looks sharper.

Both platforms have positives and negatives. I'm glad I have a kickass PC to run this game though!! :)

Little explanation below:

I'm a die hard PS3 fan. But as powerful as the processor is its the GPU and memory issues that are the problem. This becomes a huge issue with multi-platform games, (especially when the PC is the lead platform). It's just easier to go from the PC to the 360. They have similar architectures and developers LOVE memory. Having the freedom to control the 512MB of shared memory on the 360 is a lot easier and forgiving then being stuck with 256MB of video ram for the PS3. They have to do more streaming of the textures but this is a problem with the Blu-ray media. It can hold a lot more than a DVD but it also streams slower. That is why there is always a mandatory install on most PS3 games–especially mult-platform.

After reviewing countless Face-Off's by Digital Foundry ( and Lens of Truth we should all know by now that developers have to take little shortcuts here and there depending on the game and whether or not the PS3 is the lead platform. This creates flaming and fan boy wars between consoles when side by side screenshot are put up. However as long as the game runs at a decent frames-per-second (this varies and is a different topic) we won't notice the differences in the heat of gameplay.

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#5  Edited By Psychos1s

I never played Demon Souls but read the reviews of Dark Souls and was very interested. However I wasn't sure what to think of the difficulty so wanted to rent it first to make sure I could handle it. I rented it from RedBox for $2 and immediately bought the game after I slipped my RedBox copy back in the machine.

All I want to do is play this game. I spent 25 hours with one toon and realized I wasted several skill points so rerolled and got to the same progress of the game in 10 hours. It definitely gets easier over time and older areas become pretty simple, but you have to be patient and not take any enemy for granted. There is so much to do in the game. I'm right around 45 hours or so played combined at the moment.

It's one of my all time favs!

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#6  Edited By Psychos1s

@White said:

  1. Did you sit just outside the range of an enemy and pelt him with cheap arrows until he dies?
  2. Did you constantly circle strafe around a slow turning enemy and take cheap shots from behind him?
  3. Did you force the enemy to jump off a cliff or ledge, falling to its death, rather than fighting it?
  4. Did you make an enemy get stuck in a geometry, leaving it completely helpless as you wail on it without fear of retaliation?
  5. Did you opt to use cheap magic and ranged attacks even though you can clearly fight the boss in melee?

If you said yes to any of the above, you have exploited a part of the game; the AI. What's stopping you from exploiting a method of farming? =3

Agreed. I don't think this trick is in the same category as glitching or duping in Oblivion back in the day.

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#7  Edited By Psychos1s

Everyone has different opinions what makes a game fun. I love games like Dark Souls that give players the opportunity to make your own experience. If you think it ruins the game than it's easily remedied by not doing it. Or you can simply re-roll a character and try a different approach.

I personally get satisfaction in games that allow the player to grind to hell and back. This was great in Final Fantasy and great with this game with this trick. In Final Fantasy games–I'd spend countless hours grinding to get my characters super high so I could potentially one shot the final boss. Some say this takes the fun out of the encounter at hand. However, I made the experience what I wanted it to be. I like feeling weak in the beginning of the game and then feeling powerful in the end. You don't quite get that same experience when you're increasing in level but every new area that is opened up to explore has NPC's that are also increased in level. You don't get that sense of becoming more powerful–at least in my opinion. (Of course you could travel back to previous zones to get that feeling).

The grind is worth the reward to me. I'm not planning on doing pvp or having others help me in online coop so it made a fantastic game even more enjoyable for my personal taste.

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#8  Edited By Psychos1s

Wow! Thanks for the quick concise info. This was EXACTLY what I was looking for.