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#1  Edited By Quazzy

Ocarina of Time was my first as well it came out when I was three so it was definitely a huge part of my love of gaming I've only played the Zelda games from that year on other then dabbling with one and two. I do want to start checking more off the list then Ocarina, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess, working on Wind Waker on the Wii U sailing still boring to me but I'll beat it eventually. Personally I like Twilight more then Wind Waker and think Majora is just as good as Ocarina in a fun way of reusing all the assets but being so damn different, Ocarina and MM are my top two Zelda games out of six I played I'll be shocked if any of the older ones change that.

Great to hear you give a game from way back a chance and be so fulfilled it's like Drew experiencing Metal Gear Solid on this very site.