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My Favorite Games

Games I absolutely love, regardless of quality.

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  • 2005, PS2

    It's funny that killer7 is my favorite game of all time. It's on rails, gameplay is poor and the story doesn't make a lick of sense. The game's greatest strength is that it eludes to everything coming together in the end, compelling the player to see it till the end, and man, what an ending that is. All 3 of them.

  • 2012, PS3

    Simple and elegant. Great music and art direction. It's a very emotional game despite all you do is move the left stick forward.

  • 2004, PS2

    An explosion of a simple idea made in the craziest way possible.

  • 2005, PS2

    You go through so many emotions while playing a game like this. With hardly any other characters you can interact with, you really start to think if killing these colossi is really the right thing to do.

  • 2006, PS2

    Almost the complete opposite of Silent Hill 2. A not so scary story with in infuriatingly weak protagonist that lets even children walk all over her. Strange, beautiful and interesting enough to see till the end.

  • 2001, PS2

    Creepy, smart and incredibly compelling. A horror game everyone still looks up to.

  • 2001, PS2

    Literally should belong in a museum to demonstrate how games can be considered art.

  • 2004, PS2

    Fun to play, difficult to master. Excuse the cheesy cliche of "it walks to the beat of it's own drum" but that's the best way to describe it. Really love the flat cartoony style.

  • 1995, SNES

    If you look up the word "Charm" in the dictionary, you'll probably see a picture of Earthbound.

  • 2005, PS2

    It's a game about AI's, cannibalism, reincarnation and humanity. It's completely crazy and I love it.

  • 2000, PS1

    P2 I like more than P4. For one it follows a bunch of adults instead of high school students. Charming, serious, one of the few instances where bad voice acting makes it better, and the conclusion to a very sad story.

  • 2008, PC

    No joke, one of the best RPGs I've ever played. It's completely free, not too long and completely worth your time.

  • 2008, PC

    My love for SMT games comes from interesting concepts that may or may not always be successful. Raidou 2 is about a demon hunter solving mysteries in 1930's Japan. And that's flippin' awesome.

  • 2007, PC

    The perfect video game.

  • 2010, PS3

    Great atmosphere, great story and great fun. Rockstar games are known to have terrible out of the blue endings. This is the exception.

  • 2003, PS2

    My first SMT game. Brutal, creepy and atmospheric with amazing creature design. Prepare to see a lot of SMT games on this list.

  • 2006, PS2

    My love for all things mythology certainly helps, but this game is an absolute treat. Best Zelda game I've ever played.

  • 2008, PS2

    I've player P3 as well, but P4 is the one I can safely enjoyed more. Atlus outdid themselves in creating fun and interesting characters that made it's 100+ hour runtime seem like an absolute blast.

  • 2000, PS1

    Most Final Fantasy games are overly serious. This is not one of them (with the exception of a few moments). Incredibly charming and actually funny, it is a delight to play even now.

  • 2001, PS2

    I have a lot of love for this one, mainly because it was my first RPG that had a compelling story. It doesn't hold up as much as it did back then, but it's still a blast. Eff the haters.

  • 1998, PS1

    The entire reason why I got into video games; a cute game where you run around as a dragon and head butt ALL THE THINGS.

  • 1999, PS1

    I still play this once a year. Like a crazy person.

  • 2007, PS3

    Atmospheric, creepy with excellent art direction and just a neat idea to boot. Oh yeah, and it's fin to play or something.

  • 2005, PS2

    If you can't tell already, in my mind story, characters and art direction is more important to me than how fun the game is. Psychonauts has all three of these elements in SPADES.

  • 2004, PS2

    JRPGS are mostly just sifting through menus. Shadow Hearts: Covenant plays with that idea inthe sense that you actually have to pay attention to what's going on, something that made it unique and totally fun. Oh and despite appearances, the game is quite funny.

  • 1998, PC

    Confession time: I played it for the first time in 2013. It blew me away. I can't even imagine how nuts everyone must have gone back in 1998.

  • 1998, PC; Played 2015 Remake on PS4

    Incredibly funny, inventive and still holds up.

  • 2014, PC

    One of the darkest, rawest games I've ever played. Full of terrible people doing terrible things, but everything carries enough emotional weight for the subject matter to feel genuine instead of just there for shock vale. It is also absolutely hilarious and an excellent example of tonal whiplash.

  • 2015, PC

    One of the most sincere games I have ever played.

  • 2015, PS4

    Typically challenging action games do nothing for me, but Bloodborne's atmosphere and looming sense of doom works wonders. The unrelenting sadness and desperation the game evokes really effected me. The art direction alone makes this one of my favorite games. Just really stellar stuff.

  • 2015, PS4

    + Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine expansions

    Witcher 3 has literally ruined all open world experiences for me. Never has there ever been a game where even the smallest, most insignificant fetch quest manages to be pretty compelling. Combat isn't that great, but everything else was done so well that it honestly didn't matter.

  • 2016, PS4

    Very rough around the edges, but honestly Trico's AI makes up for it. Never have I encountered an NPC that felt like a real animal with thoughts and motivations not involving helping the player character. Trico felt real and by the end of it I cried like a little baby.

  • 2010, PS3

    It's sort of weird for me to put this on the list since I actually don't like playing this game at all. So much so that I will probably never replay it again. That said, it has some really interesting ideas goes to great lengths to tell a unique and tragic story. It's sort of like LISA to terms of how well it handles shocking, awful things. This game is colossal downer, but in such a way that is kind of unforgettable.