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Headphone's for gaming, the bane of my life.

I love listening to music, and there is so much choice when it comes to headphones. Do I have some in ear headphones or massive cans, then you go into the whole choice of the power output and crap but I digress.  
When it comes to gaming, the headphone choice is limited and its hard to see why. First off I should explain I own a Xbox360, so before people from other consoles say they have this and that, that's no use but thanks anyway. So I started out 4 years ago with the standard headset that shipped with the Xbox. The life of these things, were not so good though being only able to live for about a month or two before something broke on them. After having two or three get destroyed I turned to the trusty Xbox wireless headset that's got me threw to now but there is two problems with them. For one, they take time to recharge, and when Reach comes out, there's not going to be any time for recharging. Secondly is that my sister now has a off spring, meaning I'm going to have to start wearing headphones when its late. Now, wearing a small wireless headset and also a pair of headphones isn't practical.  
So iv looked for some alternatives, and to be frank, its slim pickings. If your not willing to spend over £100 for a pair of pro gaming headsets, you have a few options. I heard from a friend of a friend who has the same problem that he bought the throat microphone that was advertised with Modern Warfare 2 and uses his own headphones over the in ear earpiece. This sounds quite cheep but its not a bad idea, I'm looking for something a bit more professional though. Then you have the Skullcandy gaming headphones. At basic, there a pair of Lowriders with a microphone attached and to be honest, these seem the best option to me. Iv got three pairs of Lowriders and I love them to bits, so Iv decided to get myself a pair of these.  
They arrive next week, so will post a review and some thoughts when they come.  
Wish me luck, I need all the batman I can get.