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Fighting Games

Firstly, I suck at fighting games; second the fighting game genre is awesome, they're goofy, melodramatic and totally epic. Also they're pretty much the only genre of game I will keep playing after endless perpetual defeat.

My first memory of fighting games is playing MK4 on my dad's (now ex) girlfriend’s son's (complicated I know, but step-son would just be inaccurate) N64. He's a year older than me, but I was always bigger (dunno if I still am haven't seen him for years) so I could usually just beat him down when he was being snotty (which was most of the time; however I digress). He returned from wherever the fuck he was with his friends and they started taunting me about how much I sucked. So playing as Reptile I proceeded to beat all three of them as I had figured out how to switch to Reptile's weapon. We then spent the rest of the weekend working out weapons and fatalities for all the characters. Thus began my love affair with fighting genre.

The first fighting game I ever owned was Tekken 2, which I still love. I first beat the game with Jun and her scissor kicks. My friend Stuart and I then went through it until we’d beaten it with every character. Over the years I've enjoyed many other fighting/boxing/wrestling games, but have never been particular brilliant at them (with the exception of Def Jam: Fight for NY, which I was easily the champ amongst my friends at).

Anyway the point, if there is one, is that I have recently bought Street Fighter IV due to the huge hype around it and the fact that (upcoming blasphemy) I had never played a Street Fighter game before. Having finished arcade on the easiest difficulty with Guile, I decided to open myself up for some online play. After having played approx 30 matches I have won a grand total of one ROUND, not even a single match, yet I keep coming back for more. Now I love Halo 3 and Gears 2, but if lose more than a couple of games in a row at either of those games I get bored and quit; so I guess the point in amongst this rambling mess is a testament to how awesome SFIV is to keep making me come back for more.
Now if only some of my friends would get it so I could at least get beaten by someone I know.