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Warp: Final Verdict

The Good: The protagonist's progression through a series of alien powers (such as "Warp", "Frag", and "Echo") is fun and impressively organic. The game's antagonist, reminiscent of several Metal Gear Solid bosses, is surprisingly memorable. Level and sound design are terrific. And the game only costs $10!

The Bad: Gameplay relies perhaps too heavily upon trial-and-error. Most challenge rooms are unnecessarily difficult, set in environments where it's too dark to see the action clearly. Power-ups require too much of the game's collectible currency. And the whole experience ends less than four hours after it begins!

The Stand-out Moment: "You imbecile! I said make a death trap, not a fucking obstacle course!"

The Verdict: 8.5 (out of 10)

One final note on the game's difficulty: Judging by Warp's leaderboards, about 25,000 people have played the game. Of those 25,000, only about 2,500 - or 1 in 10 - have managed (or bothered) to complete the game. And of those 2,500, I land at about 500th place for "best clear time". That suggests that I rank among the top 2% of all Warp players in the world... and even I found the game to be frustrating at times! (But if it had been easier, it would have been even shorter!)