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Games I've Played: 2014 Edition

This is a list of games that I have completed that were released in 2014.

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  • I don't know what made Second Son the first inFamous game I've ever played. Both of the previous games looked fun and having them being developed by Sucker Punch should have been enough for me to play but...I just never got around to them. Having that in the back of my mind, when I first saw Second Son I knew I was gonna have to buy it day one and I'm glad I did. I never really have graphics be a factor when it comes to me buying a game, but good gosh are they gorgeous. I can only imagine how much better they are going to look as we go further into the lifecycle of the PS4. Gameplay feels very much like Sly Cooper (which is a franchise I LOVE) and the soundtrack is engaging when you are taking on tons and tons of enemies. I will say that it does become a grind about halfway into the game, to the point where I was hoping that it would just get me to the final climax so I can do away with it. But, the final mission gets you invested into it not only because of how many hours you put in, but also because of the emotional impact it causes and that gets you going during the final boss fight. It's a definite plus for Sony to have this game out right now. Will it sell consoles? Maybe. But for people who already have a PS4, do yourself a favor and pick it up.

  • I haven't played a whole lot of RPGs in my life, but as soon as I finished Stick of Truth, I was eager to seek out more RPGs like this! Throughout the game, I was left in shock multiple times because of what was either said or what I had to do. Believe me, there is stuff in here the will never, ever, ever, ever make it to television. Ever. Having said that, the story is straightforward and enough for me to stay with it. I enjoyed it very much from beginning to end.