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Top ten comic book series

1. Preacher by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon 
Quite possibly the most blasphemous, religiously-offensive, well-written, and beautifully drawn piece of literary art of all time. Period. 
2. Akira by Katsuhiro Otomo 
It's cross of cyberpunk, dystopian, and hyper-violent science fiction made it one of the most rewarding reads I have ever had the privelege to partake. 
3. Teenagers From Mars by Rick Spears and Rob G 
A black and white punk rock love story about comic books. 
4.  The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman 
Zombies take a back to seat to an emotionally shattering distress signal that doesn't stop. 
5. The Boys by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson 
A hilarious, sexed-up, ridiculously violent take on the world of superheroes and the men and woman(of the species) who have to keep them in check. 
6. Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson 
Part Hunter S Thompson, part cyberpunk, the story of Spider Jerusalem is one of the coolest, most in depth stories I have ever read. 
7. John Constantine Hellblazer (numerous writers and artists) 
 Smooth talking, demon summoning, chain smoking black magician John Constantine oozes cool.  
8. The Pirates of Coney Island by Vasilis Lolos 
This emo-punk gang story had awesome artwork and a cool as hell story about a gang of punks who hijacked cars and duked it out with rival gangs. Too bad the series was never finished and I am still waiting for it to be. 
9. 100 Bullets by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso 
The greatest crime drama ever written.  Movie, comic book, novel, whatever.  Makes the Godfather look like a Hardy Boys adventure. 
10. Crossed/Crossed: Family Values by Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows/David Lapham and Javier Barreno 
Guiltiest Pleasure. Just to see how far we can go.


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