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This place is not a Website..

Its like an Application!

I love the features it has, the whole feel of the website is like its a embedded app in the browser, which I think is the definition of Web2.0.Good going with whole website GB'ers! Hope the "guys upstairs" can handle the huge amount of wiking, that probably all users have already started doing!

Will be playing around with the website even more.. But It would be better if it had a"beta" tag or soemthing, as there are obviously many things to work out.

  • Forum Post Tracking doesn't take you to the Exact message's location,It takes you to the Topic's first page, you have to find it by yourself.
  • Images are not uploading for me, in Linux. it says "there was an error" when I want to change the avatar,
  • The Main forum page link should be leading to a categoried view of different general boards, rahter than one huge board with cluster of unrelated topics.

Other than those everything looks awesome! The thing with the images and stuffs! me being very inclined to add images everywhere will definitely love this feature! (sadly thats one feature thats not working for me right now  :( )

Th BEST thing however is the Database. I sure am going to enjoy adding info and stuff to this place, looks really neat and the way how things are related and lined to each other is very nice!

Thats all for now! More soon :D