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Old Game, New Box (Or, visiting 2008)

I have midterms from now until my birthday so I've been avoiding Giant Bomb because I know I'll just see my time fly by if I do, but I couldn't help but share this with everyone. I've been waiting for a while to buy Gears of War 2, and since it was 19.99 on Amazon, I couldn't resist. Here's what came in the mail.

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Not the Game of the Year edition pictured on the site, but a Platinum Hits version of it. Now, I don't like Platinum editions. Greatest Hits, Player's Choice, whatever. I just don't like them; I'm OCD like that when it comes to my game library, and I don't have a good reason for it. At this point I had two options: Return the game, or take the risk and unwrap the plastic and see what was underneath. Normally I'd take the safe route, but here's why I decided to proceed; a sticker on the inside box that said labeled Do Not Open Until November 7, 2008. That's the original release date of Gears of War 2.

Now, I'm already freaking out because I can't believe it's been almost three years since this game was released; as if I didn't feel old all own my own. With the outer box out of the way, this is what I found inside

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Victory! A non-platinum hits version of Gears of War 2 waited for me once I got past its uglier exterior, counter to how insanity seems to always be waiting for me past the friendly exterior of Berkeley girls. Let's take a look inside of the actual case for a few extra laughs and giggles shall we?

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Something about how i keep timelines must be completely broken, because I remember Fable II coming out forever ago and Gears 2 being relatively new, but Fable II came out just a month before GoW2. My mind is shattered, and at this point I just feel like I must be in the Matrix and the world is changing around me, but I have no way to prove it. Also check out that redeemable token for the Flashback Map Pack that's made completely worthless by virtue of the All Fronts token being included. I can't imagine why, but if anyone wants the code just tell me since I have no use for it. One last piece to finish off this adventure back to 2008.

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I love unboxing old items like this and being reminded about what's come and gone, and GoW2 is far from the oldest I've personally done. A few years back my friend brought a new copy of Perfect Dark (yes, the N64 game, not Zero) off of Amazon for 7 dollars. Now the price is up to 18.99 (still strangely cheap) but I recommend you buy yourself a copy if you want to experience time travel, because that is as close as we are ever going to get. Still I'm left wondering what the hell went on here. When the Game of the Year edition came out the case inside of the box was a version of GoW2, I know because I saw it at GameStop (for once their policy of opening games came in handy). This however just seems like Microsoft came across a forgotten warehouse of original copies of Gears or War 2 and started stuffing them into new boxes.

If anyone has similar stories to tell, or an answer to what's going on here, I'd love to here it.