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2.8 stars

Average score of 4 user reviews

Short and enjoyable. Short and enjoyable. Short and enjoya-- 0

If you were in a time loop, would you realize it?Reading the same reviews all over again, all games seem to circle back around to the same genres when they get remade, don't they? You'd eventually find one game that sticks out and sticks with you.Alt-Frequencies is one like that, it seems very unassuming, there isn't much in terms of graphics, you're presented with a radio, there aren't even portraits, or moving parts except for the tuning of radio frequencies at the top between stations and the...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Old school blown away. 1

The future is what you think of it. What you are going to expect from something in the far flung future when it all goes wrong. And tribal, as always, with something so post-apocalyptic. But beautiful, if you look in the right places. You could see that in Fallout games, couldn't you? Sure, in the humanity of some people, doing good on their own, but also in the way that nature can take over on its own, when left to itself. But don't worry. There are still the radioactive areas. The wild tech. T...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

I have no time (control) to play this game. 0

As I write this, I am currently waiting for materials to build a power plant. But at the same time, I have to trade out materials so my budget doesn't go into the red. A regular strategy conundrum, right?The problem with Starport Delta is that while I do this, an AI is screaming at me for the 7th time since the last time I was able to build that I'm running low on materials, I watch them barely get over the threshold to build and then trade yanks them down to 5 units.. and the best part? I can't...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

More of the same, less of anything else. 1

Disclaimer: I loved The Surge. It was one of my Top 10 of 2017. I wanted a sci-fi Dark Souls for forever, and there it was. And you could dismember people like Dead Space! And then take their metal and put it on YOUR BODY. How cool is THAT. So when a sequel was in the works, I was pumped. Unfortunately, after playing it, I was left less than impressed. Not because it wasn't more of the same, that's what I wanted, but because that's all that it was.And nothing else.The story continues shortly aft...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.